Roaming fees may apply 🌋 part 2

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Blinkys point of view (it's been awhile since I've done his perspective)

In the entrance of Gatos keep

How peculiar, I had no idea that humans could change the colour of their skin it appears that Tobias after his ride on the gyre has remarkably turned into darkish green. Oh wait he's throwing up in the corner

Lady Claire disgusted and also looking like she's nauseous herself: Blinky how about next time we go a little slower when we need to use the Gyre.

I'm about to protest but when I see master Jim having to carry down Rex who was cranked up in his arms out of pure terror (just imagine something like Scooby Doo in check his arms when he's scared) okay maybe we did go a little too quick. After finally managing to calm Rex down and master Jim placed him back on the ground and we begin to walk into the lair of Gato

Master Jim: so out of pure curiosity have any of you actually met Gato?

Oh that is an awkward question to answer but might as well give him the truth: Actually no master Jim, in fact I've done everything in my power to avoid so very few apparently returned from his domain

Master jim I assume sarcastic:Well that's comforting

Tobias: Still hard to believe that we just came from Arcadia and now in Argentina man my mobile plan is going to be off the rails. I can't wait for that W.A.A satellite to be launched

Master Jim confused: W.A.A satellite what's that?

Lady Claire answers: okay I heard about that apparently it's a satellite that's going to allow most mobile networks to be available anywhere you could be on a deserted island and get free Wi-Fi essentially

Tobias: yeah that's what it stands for Wi-Fi anywhere anytime. Dude where have you been for the past couple of days living under a rock

Master Jim comes back: no I've been saving the world from creatures made of rock

I have no idea what this Wi-Fi thing is but it appears to be important to The young heroes.We eventually arrived at the entrance of Gatos keep which appears to be just a station around a Underground mountain the young heroes discover that we are actually under a volcano mainly from the lava calls leaks.

I spot one of the guards and I decide to ask him to lead us to The leader: excuse me we seek an audience with Gato

The guard turns around and I'm horrified to see his mask it looks like it's been melted onto his face very disturbing despite our reactions to his appearance he still leads us up the underground mountain

Tobias: so how do we wanna deal with this are we going in guns blazing and take the birthstone

Master Jim shook his head: No let's try talking first who knows maybe Gato wants gunmar dead as much as us. Besides play it we might need to come back here for some other treasures and I would rather leave leaving a good impression

I agree: A sound argument Master Jim

Master Jim smiles: you know what they say sometimes the best weapon in your arsenal it's just a sound argument

I've never heard anyone say that but it does sound rather inspiring, When we arrive at the top of the underground mountain we are surprised to find that no one is up here and this is strange did we get laid on what is called a wild goose chase.

Tobias complaining and out of breath: Gato it's a real butt snack!

Master Jim and Rex both seemed an easy and I could tell because Rex was growling and master Jim was doing what he did always when he was uneasy he was readjusting his glasses

Blinded part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora