the trial of the tribunal

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Hi everyone it's gonna be a bit shorter than usual mostly because obviously it was really difficult for me to get interested in the missed trial and error episode try to make it easier I'm gonna come this summer what's going to happen

Aja point of view

Jim tells us about his mind experience, and the message from Merlin it's interesting to think about how he's the old man that Jim came across in the forest when he was young but right now we have a new problem

Toby: okay as fun it is to speak about the legendary wizard Merlin and the face he has in jimbo but don't we have a trial to deal with now

Blinky: Tobias is correct, we need to think of an ironclad excuse to clear master Jim's name and I have the perfect solution he lies through his teeth

That might actually work and it's possibly the best strategy we have since we have no evidence of the so-called traitor/spy if they exist to begin with and also it's partly true what they're saying about us we did technically unleash unspeakable evil upon this world but in our defence it was an accident and Jim was trying to save a baby

However my boyfriend decided against that: no I've got a plan and it involves all of us being here at the moment because if I'm right about this it could go sideways really quickly

I ask in desperation because the trial is coming up: what's your plan

Jim: i'll explain everything but right now I need all of you guys to be with me right now, and let me do all the talking except for you Rex you and the other werewolves go by as many I horseshoes as you can steal them if you have to find the traitor I know there's a changeling intro market I'll try to buy you as much time as I can

Claire: okay but what are we supposed to do just watch as you get blamed for crime that you only somewhat committed?

Jim explained in further detail: no I need you guys to be with me because if I'm right about this it could go Bad and if I'm wrong about it it could go even worse

Krel: is there less of a possibility that it will then horribly option?

Jim thought about it for a moment and we never got an answer, he was brought forth to the leaders of a the troll world

Queen Usurna speaks up as she condescend my boyfriend: troll hunter you have been accused of breaking your oath to protect troll kind and bringing in other magical creatures to troll market how do you plead

Jim answers honestly despite Blinkys idea of trying to avoid responsibility: Guilty but can I just clarify bring in as a magical creatures to troll market has been more beneficial to the market itself I mean you could ask any other troll around here that lives here and they would agree with me

The other tribunal members actually agreed with that statement: yes he does have a point troll market has never been more prosperous I meant yes we have some fights but thanks to the security system he's placing with guards and the werewolves things have been relatively fine

Queen Usurna looks more furious at my boyfriend who is smirking in his cage I don't understand how you can be so calm about this: very well then but you still plead guilty to releasing gunmar upon this world

Blinky whispers to Jim: Master gym I recommend a different idea you're only giving yourself a deeper hole

Jim ignores him and continues: yes I did but it was an accident I didn't do it on purpose and for that I am sorry

The stones on the tribunal's table formed up to reveal a face who I assume is the one known as Gato The one troll mountain that ate Toby and Blinky: oh did you hear that the troll hunter human is sorry well I suppose we could call this whole thing off because he said he's sorry that erases everything he's done to cause the problem to begin with

Blinded part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora