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1. From Author
2. Characters
3. Introduction


1. From Author

Why did I make this book?
🗡 I wanted to write a book where there are equal amount of action, pain and also wholesome moments. I don't know here I am going with this answer but it's definitely the plot of this book. Wake up, think, fight, feel pain and learn once again.

🗡 It was supposed to start where the two protagonists are starting in Nebula Academy. There's a lot of things I could have explained in the first. But I'll try my best to crunch in what can make the story understandable from here.

What inspired me?
⚔️ Sigh. Anime!

⚔️ I've been reading mangas too (Chainsaw Man, MHA and especially Jujutsu Kaisen) and I picked up a few inspiring ideas from the masterpieces

⚔️ It has been 3 years since I finally found my love for writing once again. Makes me feel like I should abandon everything and just live in this world!

⚔️ Fight scenes in manga are my sources of inspiration! Especially when I get to research them later and learn about all the amazing techniques each culture crafted. My favorite is 'Silat' as it is my people's fighting style. I wish to see more of it seen in high fantasy books.

What you wish to achieve w this book?
⚒ I wish to show readers the world I've been seeing in my head. At first, it started as a joke of me drawing eyes and giving them something special. But the more I thought of it, the more I've gotten committed to creating it more, expanding ideas and all that.

⚒ It's a whole movie up here [knocks the side of my temple with knuckle], so do buckle up and gather whatever snacks and enjoy the book!

⚒ I also want to turn this into a manga someday, but my skills bleh. But I'll be there someday! I will make this book into a manga.

⚒ Also I wanted to give readers pain ;)

What should I prepare for?
Tissues for the next few arcs I guess....

♟This ones for me? Okay. I guess I have to learn chess now. Completely out of topic, but I promise you it is related.


2. Characters

A) any love interest?

Daniel Capian
• No. So please don't ship him with anyone. Even if he did got one, he wouldn't realize it. He's still learning.
• But one thing he truly loves is work.

Rose Capian
• Mayhaps? Im still planning about her character

B) How do they look like?

{Daniel Capian}
🧥 He's 15 years old, still young but he's now doing independent missions so who to oppose success in the face of Daniel?

🧥 He has blonde hair, almost burns at a bright golden when under the sun. He also has quite the tan skin due to spending most of his time working.

🧥Also, he has sleepy eyes you know. Dark rings under his eyes, so do avoid bringing up about his appearance as it makes him self-conscious of himself.

Go praise Daniel! He is working hard you know!!!

{Rose Capian}
🌹 She is 19 years old, but is in the same year as her little brother. (meaning she enrolled in the academy when she was 16)

🌹 Rose likes pretty things, dresses, necklaces, and weapons! So if you see here running out of some random store with a lot of stuff, she probably found something pretty.

Did she pay for it? We might not know.

🌹 Rose is very protective of her little brother, but if I have to be honest. She might just be following him just to get allowance money.

🌹 Rose hairstyle consists of two twirled pigtails. She tried braiding them once but it got stuck on wash day. She is terrified till this day.

{Sir Athane Vantreopa}
💠 Inspector and the Head of Special Force Squad 2. His height is 6 foot 3, and is very immaculate about his appearance, but sometimes doesn't care too.

💠His Family, Vatreopa, are well known due to their distinguishable trait of blue hair. Yes, luminous blue hair.

💠He is a strict man, but has a certain soft spot for potential members to his squad. He tries his best to establish a great relationship with his members, but his personality of being professional may hinder part of his communication.

{Superintendent Lewis Anarki}
🧷 He is a superintendent, that's a high rank folks... so why is he with his junior, Inspector Athane?

🧷 He has no friends his age in the Superintendent Circle, so he stays with his junior for company. Athane is not happy about this.

🧷 Lewis stands at an incredible height of 6 foot 5 , and has a strange hairstyle. He kept the sides of his head shaven clean while leaving the middle part untouched. He grows it long to bunch it into a ponytail.

{Lieutenant Hanazaki}
🗂He doesn't appear much during the story. But He is the man responsible for giving the Capian Siblings missions.

🗂He is part of the Administrators of Nebula Academy, and his underling is Lieutenant Andriette.

🗂He is good friends with Lewis and Athane.

{Lieutenant Andriette}
🔖A young woman in her mid 25s, with great talent in office work [completing reports, recharging energy cores, and reminding her leader for any upcoming tasks]

🔖She has a teeny bitty fear for the Capian siblings, especially Rose who enrolled late for the Academy. But she'll learn to overcome it soon.


There are 3 things you need to know before you decide to read this story.

1. This story is set in the World of Nebula, where the Police Force hold most power over their citizens to ensure their safety from the rise of crimes committed. Aside from that, The Royal Family of Silvermoon also aides them financially

2. Daniel Capian and his sister Rose are the 2 Juniors of the Special Force who had successfully ended the threat that almost invaded the Heart of the City on that lovely night. The Force are incharge of keeping the captive locked away for life.

3. This is also the story of how Daniel Capian, our protagonist died. But don't worry, he will come back.

Are you ready?

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