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Chapter 4 // Giving Chase
[ATHANE] — present

"Only ranks above Lieutenants can form squads : Captains, Inspectors, Colonel and lastly Superintendents."

"I thought you said we should leave first." The guard begun, frightened eyes riverting to the target before them, "not let this unknown creature run ahead of us!"

Athane gave him a pointed glare, breath fogging as his running quickened. "calm down kiddo, I was making a call to alert the Supremes!"

He held up his communicating device, this time with determination. "listen up Game Team: Gadget. I need you to set up a playmat right at entrance gate B. The threat is heading at your direction. Stitch will be on standby unless the mat is destroyed."

The younger boy's eyes glowed with admiration at the sound of those two famous names. "gadget and stitch? Are you kidding me? They were the talk when I was in the Academy!", he fawned, showing hand motions similar to Gadget's. "though I have to ask. What exactly is a playmat?"

"a playmat is a digital mat meant to emit specific attacks. Its connected to his wrist band and based on the damage it causes, it can identify any weak points the monster might have." Athane explains.

"we're closing in on Gate B."

"what are your orders for me Sir?"

"I advice to stay out of the battle. Its bound to be a blood bath. But if you find yourself in danger, you are given permission to release Cerberus."

The guard smirked at the name Cerberus. It was his weapon. They look harmless at first since he shrunk his creations into little metal circles attached to his gauntlet. But if he chants its name and click a specific button, his creation, metal bound will come to life.

However, the joy did not last for long.

Cutting a sharp turn that leads them to Gate B's path, a flickering shadow appeared above them. Both men had their eyes wide, shrieking in terror at the sight that dangled above them.

There were two people coiled up with wire like strings twisting around their forms, blood dripping from the cuts the wires posed. Each end of the wire was attached between two buildings. The familiar hairstyle made Athane let out a choked gasp. "gadget?!"

At the sound of the Guard's own shriek, the monster sludging forward halted in its path, body pivoted inhumanely with a growl as it continued its path. But this time, to the boy's direction.

The guard was the one who caught on first. His eyes locking onto 9 more eyes plastered on the monster's body, a shudder of fear coursing through his body like pin pricks of needles.

Without more caution to his thoughts, he delivered a kick to Athane. The man let out a grunt as his weight crumbled under him, his body following the force and slamming to the wall of a house.

"Cerberus!!" the guard screamed as the 3 metal balls bounced off the pavement, fixture violently convulsing as a creature rose from the metal bound object. "attack!!" he ordered, pointing to the monster before them.

His Cerberus emitted their own robotic growls, metal clattering at the three heads fused to one body. Their jaws unhinged to emit blue lasers that damaged the belly of the creature, receiving a cry from the creature as it watched the holes covering its body.

The guard stumbled a bit as the creature merely regenerated, flesh twirling around in tendrils which made it seem like the weapons did not damage it at all. His eyes began to water as the sludging monster trudged forward, that one eye sitting at the top of its form studying him.

"is this, it?" he asks, lips trembling at the terrifying thought of leaving, "am I going to-" he covered his mouth, refusing to let that forbidden word to terrify him. He promised himself he would always prevail.

But being eye to eye with a monster capable of killing, such thought seems impossible.

The creature's lone eye seem to crinkle as it scrunitized the boy shaking like a leaf on the ground. If the guard had blinked, he wouldn't be able to catch on but that expression. His eyes widened at the realization. Sadness. He continued to gape at the creature, a silent gasp as it uttered something.

"poor soul." It was low, almost inaudible if it weren't for the sorrowful expression that the eye was able to convey.

'so.... Human' the guard thought, watching the eye from the creature begin to glow brighter. A beautiful shade of light, white and pure. It reached out to him, translucent misty strings tangling itself onto the hand he reached out with.

The guard's vision was soon clouding white as the misty tendrils began to thicken, the sound of incessant buzzing filling his ears. He felt the constriction in his throat, the need to breath arising as the pounding in his head increased.

"need-d to... breathe!" he hitched out.

As soon as it appeared however his vision cleared , it felt like he was transported to a new world. A darkness, swirling below him whilst a worn-out lantern levitated right next to him. Perplexed, he observed what else he could make out in the strange place.

A rattling cough caught his attention. Swiveling around, he could only widen his eyes at what laid before him.

There was a man resting his back on a metal pillar situated right in the middle of what he thought was an endless abyss. His long stringy hair losing the usual fairness of its usual blonde, blood dripping from his shirtless form, some crusted away into golden dry specks and rotten cuts litering the rest.

"who are you?"


Athane who finally regained his composure watched as the sludging monster neared the guard, who stood transfixed. Without a second thought, Athane fired off 2 laser bullets. Successfully averting the monster that cried out whilst moving away from the boy.

Athane slammed his elbow to the guard's jaw, the boy finally snapping out of his haze finger clutching on his nose that bled from the impact. "what?"

"it almost killed you," Athane huffed, weapon still sizzling from the rapid onslaught. "why the hell were you standing around for?"

The guard looked at him, a mix of emotions flashing in his irises. "I was... afraid, I think."

"that fear will get you killed someday. Don't think much of it" Athane adviced, holding up his weapon for emphasis. "go see the medic. Squad 2 will take it from here"

"fear huh?" the guard questioned, hands gripping his uniform tight. Whatever he saw, it rattled him mentally. "thanks Sir Athane, I'll get going once I collect myself"

The senior nodded, immediately darting out to chase the creature ransacking the City ahead of them.

The younger boy looked down, body finding purchase on the cool pavement. The temperature cooled him. He closed his eyes, fingers nimbly reaching out to his other hidden weapon placed on the side of his boot. "I thought I promised myself," he asks, hands fingering the handle of the blade.

"why?" he unsheathes the blade, the metal blade glinting under the light.

"why is the future so bleak?"

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