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Chapter 19// Run for your minds

"For whom do these bullets return to?"

——Town Bevealth, Prison Centre (Second Nebula Headquarter)

The two ran for their lives as bullets continued to shower behind them. She wanted to look back at the sound of something crashing to the pavement, the impact of the fall bringing a loud squelching noise and the smell that ignited the taste of copper in her mouth—but chose not to.

She limped with one foot, it was difficult to run with one white sock on. She couldn't find the shoe she had threw and now she was suffering the consequences as blood permeated through the silky pristine fabric.

The door, they were closer now. The two siblings panted as they forced their legs to go faster, the muscles in their legs firming up in painful cramps. "faster!"

As Maria reached out for the handle of the sliding doors, the sound of something being shot was heard. Maria couldn't feel it, but her little sister was in hysterics as she pointed to her older sister's hand.

Maria was left agape. There was a hole in her hand. The bullet had blunged deep into the other side of the door sticking a bit of her flesh to the metal capsule. She screamed as the pain began to register in her, the image of her hand ridden by a hole in its middle and pouring blood freely like a faucet.

"It hurts!" Maria cried out, clenching her eyes shut as a wave of pain washed over her. Her little sister cried for her, trying desperately to open the door, but it was no use. It was as if there was nobody in the prison who could hear their pained screams.

"Open the door! Please! My sister needs help!" Her little sister pleaded. She used her bare fists to slam it on the metal doors. Her knuckles were slowly going red as she plummeled the little strength she has to alert the people inside. "Help my sister plea—"

Another shot was sounded off, and this time...

Maria shivered as blood fell from her head, a few shreds of grey clothing fell to her lap. She screamed as the image seared itself into her mind. "Mira!!"  she screamed out, voice a higher pitch as her little sister laid in her hands. She was shot in the head, the mushy membranes of her brains sprawled out between her fingers.

A choked scream lodged itself in her throat as she heard the noise of something clicking, gradually drawing closer.

She held her breath as someone came out from the aftermath of the shoot off.  The person had a short stature as they carried a long object. Anger bursted through her as she finally realized what the object is.

A long rifle.

She cradled the hand of her sister, it had gotten cold now and her blood made it sticky. But she didn't care as she kissed her hand, letting her blood stick to her lips.

"such a sad story for 2 sisters."

Maria snapped her attention to the figure, brows furrowing as she searched for the rifle of a fallen officer beside her. Once she found what she was searching for, she stood up and pointed the gun to the person who spoke. "who are you? Reveal yourself."

It was such a contrasting image for Maria. The person.. was none other than a kid in the age of 8, who trudged to her with a giant weapon hung by her shoulders. The rifle, the one responsible for taking the lives of humans.

The kid had abnormal features, a genetic mutation to her biological make up that painted her skin white, Albino. Her hair had been braided into three sectioned dutch braids, two of them were draped to her back in thick locks, while another shorter version was placed infront of her face.

It only revealed her eyes and her lips partially, but none could hide the evil smile she has. The little girl started to cackle as she watch Maria began to convulse, body falling into similar heaps as the soldiers before her. She was clutching her hand, watching the colour of her hand slowly drain away into pale white.

"You are... certainly something!" The Little girl cried out. She had such an angelic voice, so innocent. It would be hard for someone to believe such façade if it weren't for the weapon strapped behind her.

Maria yielded against the pain, her hand was now gradually turning purple the blood still leaking from the wound. The more she stared at it, the more the pain spread throughout her. "w-who... are y-you?"

"This is amazing! Amazing!" The little girl cheered to the sky. Happiness littered the creases behind her maniacal grin. "I knew it! You are strong aren't you? Maria Oveahill!"

Maria froze, looking up to the girl who was slowly stepping closer to her.

"I made those bullets from my flesh," The little girl spoke, voice slithering like tendrils of darkness as she pointed a small dainty finger to Maria. "Some humans, are not able to take the power I hold. Do you know what happens when one comes in contact with this power?

"They die. First thing to go is the brain. The human conscious is weak as it is. They are easily swayed by what others claim of, that is why humans are weak. When one decides to explain the true concept of power, they would fight with their respective beliefs, selling out their darkest desires in order for the rest of humanity to follow." She explained.

Maria fought the urge to close her eyes, the need to enact revenge burnt a strange pit in her stomach. Its where her deepest desires hid, directly in her gut. The human instinct is more powerful than a human's will. The subconscious dwells in its abyss, and refuses to resurface unless something triggers it. Now determined and finding life in her fingertips, she quickly unveiled the gun and pointed it directly to the little girl.

The sound of the Mendeo core releasing its bullet was deafening, it ringed in her ears. A sonorous effect that made her delirious of her situation.

She took a life.

The bullet made its home in the albino girl's forehead, and blood dripped form the other side of her knocked form.

But slowly, the girl stirred, form undisturbed as she chuckled at Maria. "You are something... aren't you?"

Maria could only choke as the girl lifted up herself with no problem. "Impossible..."

"true power, heard of it?" she continued as if nothing happened. "The bullet is made out of my flesh. The second it is in your body, I know what you are thinking of already. I control you now, and there's nothing you can do—"

Maria continued to shoot at the girl, raining hail of energy bullets bouncing of her body as the energy usage became lower. Her aiming had strayed far from its accuracy, the reasoning due to her bloodloss. With hands weighed down by lead, she let her hands fall. Im gonna die here, its impossible.. to fight.

"I expected that... you held out for as long as you could." The girl had acknowledged of Maria's strength. Where as the rest of the officers were shot dead in the face, Maria and her sister were shot at areas where the organs wouldn't be too damaged.

She had shot the little sister through the neck. It was just simple graze that shouldn't put much burden. But the girl immediately collapsed and her brain matter exploded right as she fell to her sister's hands. Maria was shot at the hand, near the fourth finger where the vein is directly connected to the heart. She should be dead seconds ago.

From the violent convulsions in her body, Maria's time for death is close.

There was something that the girl hid too. The truth of her abilities. "Have you heard of the invasion in Nebula City? Lots of people lost their homes there, and the authorities are not very responsible in handling the anger of the public. Chaos, the whole city will be in chaos, I can feel the human conscious tearing in... Just like the body of the child I took. She was brilliantly intelligent for her age, she wanted to know what I was." She went on, "So I told her that I am you! I am all of the people are!

"The very existence of humanity's consciousness. The thoughts you've put together, the negativity and the emotions you have in your heart. I feel them." She placed a hand to her chest. "The very time is near. The world warns us for a new order, a new peace should be gifted. That is why I am on a quest to finding strong hosts! The vessels for new power!"

She nudged the limp Maria with her foot. "Don't die just yet Little Maria, I haven't told you who I am just yet..."

The girl grinned, happiness coursing through her as she lifted the braid that covered her face. She had a proud look at the shocked expression of Maria.

"Fear, I smell it!" The braid that fell to the front of her features were hiding something, and Maria was right.

She was staring back at a large eye that had been gouged into the little girl's forehead. The eye blinked, white milky pupil obscuring half of the orb. It struck fear as the eye looked down on her, the intimidation it held nauseating her senses.

"When the humans saw me, they called me a 9 Eyes God, some call me a monster. I know they are not far from the truth! But Lo and Behold, I am Infinity." declared the girl, "I hold the orb of Infinite Universe, the power that lets me use the universe's knowledge. Whatever humanity thinks of.." she knocks a knuckle to her head, "It stays here."

"join me Maria, and we will burn this whole place down!"

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