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"Can I meet your family?" Aiden asks tentatively, stroking a hand down Harry's arm.

"My family's dead."


"My parents, my godfather...they're all gone. I'm an orphan."

"Oh." Aiden wonders how they've known each other this long—nearly two months now—without him learning this. "Um, what happened?"

"My parents were murdered by an evil madman who wanted to take over the world. My godfather was killed by his deranged cousin."

"What the hell? Are you serious?"

Harry's eyes briefly flash with amusement for some reason. "Yes."

"Three murders? God, that's awful."

"I was only one when my parents died," Harry says softly. "I was fifteen when my godfather was killed."

"Fuck. That must have been horrible."

Harry's expression shutters, and Aiden knows instinctively that he's done talking about this. "Yeah," Harry shrugs.

"What about your friends?" Aiden tries again. "The ones you've told me about. Ron, Ginny, and...I can never remember her name. Her...something?"



"I'm not..." Harry sighs. "I don't know. Maybe."

"I just know so little about you," Aiden tries not to sound as whiny as he feels. "I want to know you better, Harry, but you're so...closed off."

"I'm sorry," Harry says, looking away. "I don't know how to...I can't be your boyfriend, Aiden."

"I know, but—"

"I should go." He gets out of bed and reaches for his clothes.

"Please don't," Aiden pleads, knowing he sounds truly pathetic now. "Stay, I'm sorry, I won't push you to go faster than you're comfortable, I just...like you."

Harry pulls on his pants. "I like you, too. But I can't be what you want, Aiden."

"You don't have to be anything. Just stay. Please."

Harry considers him for a long moment before pulling his pants back off and getting back in the bed.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

Aiden wonders what, exactly, he's apologizing for.

✦ ✦ ✦



"Come to the Weasleys with me tomorrow."

Draco props himself up on an elbow to look at him. "What? Why?"

"Because I want you to meet them. Properly." Draco stares at him, and Harry leans forward and kisses him on the mouth. "Please."

"Harry, what are you saying? Meeting families, that's not something...that implies we're..."

Harry's gaze is steady as he stares back. He nods. "Yeah."

"Is that what you want? To be...boyfriends?" Draco's mouth twists a bit on the last word. He doesn't like it, but it's the clearest term for what he's asking.


"This isn't a joke, is it? You actually want...that?"

Harry's mouth drops open in shock. "A joke? No! Draco, how can you even ask that? I like you. I like spending time with you. Hell, I see you more than I see anyone else these days. Ron accused me of having a new best friend the other day." Harry smiles. "I'm not looking for a new best friend, but..."

"You want a boyfriend."

"I don't want a boyfriend. I want you."

"You really have to stop doing that," Draco says, leaning in.

"Doing what?"

"Saying things that make me want to kiss you senseless."

"So, you want that too?" Harry asks between kisses.

"Yes, Harry, I'll be your boyfriend," Draco laughs. "Although, for the record, I hate that term."

"Too plebeian for you?"

"Yes, exactly."

Harry presses his fingers to Draco's ribs and tickles, startling a screech from him.

"Potter, you bastard!" he wheezes, reaching for Harry to retaliate, only to end up with his wrists pinned above his head.

"Too...common?" Harry laughs, dodging neatly as Draco attempts to knee him in the groin and moving to pin him with his body, straddling his thighs.


Harry relents, but keeps Draco's wrists loosely pinned, leaning down to press a kiss to Draco's cheek. "No, you don't."

Draco sighs into a deep, slow kiss. "No, I don't." 

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