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"So, are you going to go out with him again?" Ron asks, leaning against Harry's desk.

Harry takes a bite of the sandwich Ron brought him for lunch and takes the time to chew and swallow before answering.

"Maybe? He's a Muggle, so I don't see how that would work...especially with me being, you know, me..."

"I mean, you could tell him everything, if things got really serious, if you were thinking about, y'know, getting married—"

Harry visibly flinches, and Ron cringes at himself. "I'm sorry, mate. I didn't mean to..."

Harry sets the sandwich aside. "It's alright."

"Merlin, Hermione's right, I really can be an insensitive git sometimes."

Harry laughs weakly. "It's alright," he repeats. "I know you didn't mean to be."

"Are you doing okay? We worry, you know."

"Yeah," Harry lies, forcing a smile. "I'm fine."

Maybe he should call that Muggle again. If not for an actual date, then at least, well. Distraction. Distraction is good. 

✦ ✦ ✦


Harry wants to scream along with it. Below the title is a photo of them, traipsing down the street, arm-in-arm, smiling.

Harry tosses the paper aside and picks up his phone to make the call.

"Can I come over?" 

✦ ✦ ✦

"Do you think he cared?" Draco can't help asking. "That we were in the paper? It wasn't a bad photo."

"I don't know, Draco," Pansy sighs. "Don't you think you should...I don't know, try to move on?"

"To what, Panse? Who but the noble Harry Potter could forgive the things I've done?"

"There are plenty of men here who have absolutely no idea who you are," she shakes her head at him. "Like that guy who works at the bakery who keeps trying to flirt with you. Just...go on a date or something. Clear your head."

"He is not," Draco rolls his eyes.

"He is!" She insists.

"Well, I'm not attracted to him anyway."

"Of course you're not," Pansy sighs. "He doesn't have a stupid scar on his forehead."

Draco glares at her.

"If you're not planning on moving on, why not go home and beg Potter to take you back? If your love was as perfect and real as you say, surely you could tal—"

"No, Panse," Draco cuts her off sharply.

"Why the hell not?"

"I don't want to see...he'll hate me again," he says, feeling extraordinarily pathetic as his eyes well up. "I don't want to see his face when he hates me again."

She sighs and reaches for him. "Oh darling, come here." 

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