but friends don't know the way you taste

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a/n my grandfather 🍃

*yes. the title is a lyric from señorita
**this is my 69th one shot (including my drafts)
***i think it was meant to be.

this one's actually based off the song sex by EDEN,, dont let the title fool you :)

i love you and i'm happy you're here today :) drink some water and have something to eat today even if it's small xx

summary: friends with benefits, but harry's catching feelings
    >>> there's no smut in this (sorry?) but there are lots of mentions of * the coitus *
    >>>>> HIGH SCHOOL AU

-- side note before i start because i feel like nobody reads the author's notes at the end, but WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO READ?? im going to try and start uploading more frequently but i wanna know what yall wanna read xx ok carry on

harry's pov

louis: i'm home rn

harry: same??

louis: home alone !!! ;)

harry: as in the film?

louis: fine dont come ovr

harry: im omw 🙄

louis: 😊

the sex is great. in fact, it's really great. the best part is, we both agreed there's no feelings attached in this 'relationship'. during the nights—or sometimes even during the day when nobody's around—louis and i are ... fucking, to put it modestly. but in the public eye, we're nothing more than best friends.

it's dusk when i start the jaunt to louis' house. i can't help but get excited for our short nights together, whenever we're in his bed (or my bed) nothing else matters. not the stressful schoolwork nor the anxiety of life. when we're attached in that way, it's like the weight of the world just jumps off our shoulders while ecstasy and passion take over.

i reach his house and skip up the front steps. i don't even have to knock before louis' opening the door for me. i admire his sparkling blue eyes when he pulls me inside by the wrist.

now it starts. no words spoken but the breathy exchange of greetings. i feel stupid for putting off blinking, i just want to catch every moment of him—of us.

afterwards we lay next to each other, not touching. touching is really only for sex. louis' twin size mattress is hard to fit us both on, so i slide off. i land heavily on my feet and silently pull my scattered clothes back on.

"that was good," i say. louis nods from the bed before sitting up to redress.

"bloody needed that," he chuckles softly.

"me too," i agree fully.

"any homework?" louis asks. it's funny how his eyes look so innocent, when only moments ago ...

"nah," i lie. i still have to finish my book for english, but there was only a half-chapter left and a week to finish it. "i've done it already."

louis yawns. "do you fancy a snack?"

"sure," i answer after catching his yawn.

larry stylinson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now