one direction (but mainly louis tomlinson)

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a/n when's y'all getting outta school? i have all the way till june 31st and i'm already dead

i've had this idea in my brain for so long but never actually decided to write it.
here we are


summary: where louis finds a camera and decides to record a regular day with the boys and his boy

*au where larry is out (four era)

louis' pov

turns out the almighty louis tomlinson can't sit on his very beautiful ass and watch tv for hours on end.

all the boys went out to do something, i didn't want to go because i am a lazy fuck and i think that some time alone is very much needed. however, i didn't expect that they would be out for 3+ hours.

i walk around trying to find something that could possibly peak my interest, maybe a football or a boomerang. my eyes light up when i find the perfect object to occupy me; a video camera. i'm not 100% sure why it's here, but i don't really care. it's high resolution and is very professional, so i assume somebody left it here on accident because why would you trust us five idiots with a camera this expensive? i enjoy the petiteness of it, so i won't look like an annoying paparazzi walking around.

what can i do with a camera? i ask myself, scrutinizing the machine. we've recorded small videos for the one direction youtube before, but they've been five minutes max. (excluding the 28 minute video niall made for when harry and i got married.) i think the fans deserve an extra long video, they're very dedicated and seem to enjoy watching us do practically anything, and maybe if i could just record a video it would be easier - and more legal - than hacking airport security.

i place myself back on the couch and turn the camera to face me. i look at my reflection in the video and fix my hair before pressing record.

"uhmm, hey everyone... i'm louis tomlinson- which you probably already know- but i thought i would try something new," i start the intro just as the rest of the boys tumble into the tour bus.

"oi, tommo, are you auditioning for a beauty pageant?" liam teases, toeing off his shoes.

"nope, i'm recording a video for our youtube," i answer, the video still rolling.

harry walks over to me and rests his chin on my head, so he's in frame. "you would definitely win the pageant if you were auditioning, lou love," he gushes, making me blush. i lean my head back so he can kiss my lips, which he does. "what's the video on?" harry continues, playing with my hair.

"i was just about to tell all of our lovely viewers," i smile, returning my attention to the camera. harry nods and sets his chin back on my head, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "i thought that it would be fun to record a day in the life on tour, featuring louis because i'm superior," i sass and see zayn chuckle and shake his head behind the camera.

"lou, i'm not sure if you thought this through, it's almost 7pm our day is nearly over," liam smirks.

i roll my eyes playfully, "payno, if you think you're so good why don't you record the vlog?"

liam shrugs and snatches the camera from my hands, i scoff and go to stand but harry holds me in my spot, so i'm forced to watch liam strut around with the camera. niall's face is red as a tomato as he laughs hysterically. i just lean back into my husband's touch while liam makes a right fool of himself.

"i love you, hazza," i whisper, only harry catching it. he smiles and kisses my mouth sweetly, responding with a "love you more."

"awwwe, look at these lovebirds," liam points the camera at us, mid snog. "take the spotlight off them for one minute and they're already eating each other's faces," he mumbles.

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