Chapter forty-eight//the party.

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Olesia and Loki walked through the compound doors, hearing the party  music blasting and bodies filled the space. Of course Tony had to go all out, even though she wanted it small. She looked to Loki with apologetic eyes, and he just smiled back at her.

"All of these people are here for me?" He asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yes, my love." She replied, he smiled widely before leading her into the crowd.

Olesia smiled at Nat and Wanda as she moved through the crowd with her hand in Loki's. The music making people around them bump into them, and laugh hysterically. Olesia and Loki moved to the bar, ordering the two drinks. Once receiving them Olesia moved to Nat and Wanda.

Loki watched as she danced with her sisters. He was head over heels in love with this girl and adding a party all about him, made him fall even harder. On each wall were banners that had 'Happy Birthday Loki' 'Happy Birthday Horns' Happiest of birthdays to the vainest god to meet' Chuckling as he read the signs, he leaned back against the bar.

He knew he wanted her in his life forever, and he wanted to ensure she felt the absolute same. He wanted to make it permanent, grow old and have her in his arms forever. They had agreed they didn't want kids, though there was a part of him, that somehow wanted to see their little's running around. Of course it would take time, and stress, but it would be a marvellous sight. He just wanted to make sure she was all in first.

Before he did anything.

Looking around to the people he now calls his friends, he sees Steve. Dancing and laughing with his date, Bucky danced with Nat, and as promised she wore a slutty red dress, making Bucky almost drool. Tony and Pepper were happy and dancing, Wanda and Olesia were dancing. As if they were a couple, and not giving a shit who saw. Thor and Vision were chatting about Asgardian and Android matters, Yelena and Scott were pointing to Loki and dancing. Yelling something about his birthday, Sam and Clint were arguing about something, Loki moved slightly closer to hear.

"Dude, I could definitely take him down." Sam says in his defence.

"He has magic you moron, you have wings." Clint replies, bored of this argument.

"Wings that could take him down." Sam says again, as the two walk away.

Loki rolls his eyes, looking to Pietro and Peter. They were laughing and peter was actually getting drunk, unbeknownst to Loki, this wasn't the first time peter got drunk at an event Olesia held. Pietro laughed hysterically at peter as he rambled in his drunken state.

Loki looked back to Wanda and Olesia, entranced by the dancing. Not by Wanda, his eyes stayed simply on his girl, and how she moved. Olesia turned and smiled at Loki, he smirked back to her before his eyes landed on Bruce. He looked drunk and sad, Loki felt bad for Bruce, he had to watch all these couples dance and stay happy. While he couldn't stay with a girl because of Hulk.

"Dance with me?" Olesia asked, Loki smiled.

"I will, I just want to speak to Bruce." He replies, Olesia nods.

"He may not want to talk to you, not trying to bring you down. But I'm not sure if he quite trusts you yet." She says, Loki cups her face.

"I have my ways, my darling." He says, before trapping her in a quick kiss.

Turning and walking away, he turns into Steve. Seeing as how Steve was the furthest, it worked. Bruce's frown turned into a half smile quickly. Loki continued over to Bruce, until he stopped in front of him. Placing his hand on bruce's shoulder he gave him a worrisome look.

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