Part ten//last day.*

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The Avengers were still asleep, and Olesia didn't feel like singing. It was her last day of school, forever. Honestly, she was feeling homesick? In a way. Knowing she'll never have to walk through the school doors again, face her teachers, pass in homework, see her ex, sit through boring plays, and seeing couples kiss grossly in the halls.

She let out a small saddened laugh at the memories, then spraying her perfume she walked through the blissful cloud, the scent sticking to the thin fabric of her crop top. She was wearing a red cropped tank top, and black jean shorts. Picking up her backpack, the last time. She sighed, and then walked out of her room. Her curly hair bounced as she slowly walked through the compound. Making it to the kitchen, she picked up the twenty dollar bill Tony left for her. Again skipping breakfast.

Olesia: I'm ready to go, for the last time :(

Happy: Be there in a minute, kid. Cheer up!

Olesia put her phone in her back pocket, and walked to the door. Slipping on her sandals, then walking outside. The warm hazy summer air hitting her like a cloud of smoke, she let out a small cough and walked to wait for Happy.

Olesia didn't quite know how she would make it through the last day without crying, sure she'd see her friends and all during summer. Although she knows James will try and apologize, Lily will give her snide remarks, and everyone else will try and make plans with her over summer at her house.

Happy rolled around and picked her up, quickly getting to school. There wasn't any talking, the only sounds were small sighs, the dirt under the car, light traffic, and students. Once arriving at school Olesia waited for her friends, once they all arrived. It was a mutual sad feeling, as much as Ned tried to conceal it, his eyes were glassy, Mj's expression held a little more grief, and Peter just had a frown planted on his face. Which hurt everyone to see. Ned and Mj were so sweet and yet they were sad. Olesia knew she may not see them again, out of safety and it broke her.

"Come on, Les. We got math!" Peter said, tugging her towards math class, Olesia nodded as he pulled her to class. Then she sees the board.

What was on the board, you ask?

"Last day of school! Let's make it count!" Of course, one of many today. Olesia rolled her eyes at the board, and sat down at her seat. Just to be bombarded.

"Olesia! Hey! I want to make sure we're okay?" James asked, Olesia scoffed and looked back at him.

"And why would be okay?" She asked, catching James off guard.

"School's ending, and I wanna make sure you're not going to kill me." He says with a small laugh, which she returns.

"I won't kill you, James. We're also not ok, but I'd watch out for my boyfriend, he may." She says with a shrug, James gulps and moves his chair back to his desk.

Olesia sits as her teacher goes through the class, and then explains that there will be no work. Just to enjoy their last day, Olesia smiles at the small notion, until she hears a ding from her phone.

Unknown: Eight days.

Olesia's breath started to shake as she read the text, getting an odd look from Peter. She moved her phone for him to see, and he just grumbled, messaging Tony.

Peter: Another threat, "Eight days."

Tony: Thanks, kid.

As the school day went on, different people came up to Olesia. Each has the same question, "We should hang out this summer, maybe at your place?'' Each reply with a simple, "No thanks!'' Olesia was proud.

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