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A signal bellowed across the whole camp, and it was met with nothing but silence

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A signal bellowed across the whole camp, and it was met with nothing but silence. Each cohort had stilled in their preparation, the clangor of equipment halted, and the words about strategy died on their tongues. And Alek's cohort locked arms with one another for a quick second, muscles tensed between young and old. But it was just an assurance that they were fighting together. The young boy beside him was a legacy of Vulcan, new and on probation yet here he was, to face bloodshed with them. So he locked their arms a bit tighter, just to meet the boy's gaze and allow a pulse of strength to pass between them.

"Twelfth Legion Fulminta!" It was Reyna's signal that pushed centurions to command their cohorts. People fell into line, shields were now at fronts, and they held order. The first followed the lead of Octavian and Michael, marching as one with strength in numbers being fully maximized as the strategy. Left and right came to the pattern, and no one fell behind.

But chaos came sooner than they could muster another adjure of courage.

They were outnumbered, he knew that much. Alek's gladius was unsheathed, the weapon staining with dust from each stab. But in each act of violence against who he faced, he noticed his own falling and breaking out of the formation assembled. It was by the time that a centaur disintegrated to the edges of his shield, that he noticed how scattered they were. Only a few of them had shields, as many were lost to the floor of bodies. Even the young boy he was close to earlier, was now at least 10 feet away from him, with armor coated in grime and arms full of blisters. They were together but cannot fight in a one way strategy, and sometimes that is what soldiers must accept. This is the time wherein soldiers are asked to be heroes, to fight in unplanned and individual methods, but for the same cause.

It was time to use the power he had on his own

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It was time to use the power he had on his own. He raised his finger to a certain direction wherein monsters infested, and called to his father for a power he was not sure he possessed. 'Father, if you are listening, may you impart a few of your blessed arrows for me to use.' The hand he raised that had its own tremor stopped, as if someone was holding his arm steady. And with confidence he pushed forth fervor in the veins of his godling self, and the sky rained arrows of gold on the beasts. It was a storm, piercing his enemies before they got near him. Allow many to fall and combust as they returned with Death on their door, not reforming. 'They were successful!' A possibility of no return only made possible if the team they sent accomplished the crusade.

Octavian and Michael were among many who witnessed it. The surge and display of one man had empowered them all to rise and believe in the attainable victory. So they pushed together and joined in the battle, not caring if there were changes to the plan. Even if the giant they were trying to corner was dreadful, it was a feat they tried together. The first and second cohort pushed, breaking and shattering, but rising to attempt once again. A game of push and pull, until the others arrived under the banner of Percy Jackson and the eagle. The lighting heaved power through the eagle, causing even the giant itself to face the newcomers. One of which was more determined to charge at him.

The boy responsible for the raining gold had stopped for a moment. Allowing his overheating hands to cool and recollect, as ichor remembered he was still human. And while he collected himself, his eyes directed to Percy. The boy charged the giant, with a plan brewing in his mind. Not the ideal way Alek would've thought, attacking then planning amidst, but with all that happened now, he knew not to judge. Battle was unexpected and maybe the monsters too were surprised by the presence of these heroes. He was worried still though, unsure if he should lend assistance to him, but it was like the boy heard his loud thoughts. Sea green eyes met the chocolate brown irises, and he nodded. A troublemaker smile flashing just for him, enough to convince Alek that he was okay. And that Alek could lend his hand to the others instead, who were facing a swarm of monsters still.

Were they winning? Because yes, he saw a queen lead in women of great ability, join them. Probably the Amazons with their leader's similar features to his own praetor. And true enough the skills on the battlefield were mastery at its finest. But was it enough to win? Because from where he stood, there were young children in battle being surrounded by beasts so much older than them. They were holding against them but for how long? Will Alek even make it to save them? And this is the only reason why he believed he was able to summon such forces of the gods. It was his worry for his fellow soldiers in the battle that had him take advantage of what his father and patron gave him. He manifested sound and speed in a sonic force field, tearing all the monsters with him.

Coincidentally, at the same time Terminus and Percy struck the giant. Allowing two shields of power to collide and just deafen and slow time to see the flair.

The crowds chanted many names, the most prominent being Percy's and praetor. A complimenting duo of words for who seemed to be the newly appointed man. And Alek joined in, seeing the blessings of the gods for Percy Jackson, a laurel outline unnoticed by all but the legacy only. What he did not notice, for he did not check his own head, was how a crown fit for a king manifested on his as well. And only Percy Jackson and Reyna Ramirez-Arellano saw it.

 And only Percy Jackson and Reyna Ramirez-Arellano saw it

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What a shame indeed. 


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