“Do I go first then?” Angel asks.

“Yes, you do baby boy.” Xavier says. “Birthday boy or girl goes first.”


“So we have to blindfold you. We will spin you to a direction and then we will give you the bat, so that you can hit the piñata.” Xavier explains.

“Yes, dad.”

“Okay, I’m blindfolding you, little Angel.” Oriel says.

“Okay, Oriel just don’t make it too tight.” 

“Of course, my favorite little Angel.”

“Okay.” Angel responds.

Oriel turns Angel around before stopping and handing him the bat. 

“Go Angel.” I say.

Their friends start yelling directions to Angel. He hits it once before it’s Karen’s turn who is able to hit it twice. Then, Andres, who misses the piñata, Rose is able to do some damage to it as well as Joel. Lastly, Celestine strikes it once, making the dent more prominent, but not enough for the candy to fall out of it. Taking the blindfold off they’re able to hit better causing the candy to fall. 

“Okay, here are some candy bags for all of you.” I say as I hand them one. “And it’s time for the cake.”

“Yes!” Angel says.

“Dad, here.” Angel says handing Xavier his bag of candy.

“Do I get to eat them all?” Xavier asks.

“No, dad, you’re supposed to hold it for me.” Angel responds as he rushes to where the cake is. 

“Oh, I thought you were giving them to me.” Xavier responds with a smile.

“I like the cake.” Angel says.

“Me too.” Celestine agrees.

The cake is basketball themed.

“We need to light the candles, so we have five candles for you Angel and five for you, Celestine.” I say.

“Ready to sing, happy birthday?” Xavier asks.


After the song, and blowing the candles, the cake is cut and the twins make sure everyone has a piece before they eat their own.”

They play some more with their friends until they leave. Then, we make our way to the living room.

“Time to open presents!” Oriel says as he takes a seat with his drink in hand.

“Yay!” Celestine says.

“Okay, here’s the one from us!” Oriel says giving each of them a present.

“What is it?” Celestine says as she’s taking the wrapping paper off.

“You’ll see.”

“Color pencils and paper.” Angel says.

“Yes, we get to color.” Celestine says.

“Thank you.” Angel says hugging Oriel before going to hug Alex.

“Thank you.” Celestine says hugging Alex before going to hug Oriel.

“Next present.” I say handing each of them one.

“Thank you, Uncle Ryan and Katelyn.” The twins say.

“Here’s the next present.” Xavier says. “Those are from Kyle.”

“I like it!” Angel says taking out a stuff elephant.

“Me too!” Celestine says taking out a stuff dolphin. 

“Can we call him to say thank you?” Angel asks.

“Not right now.” I respond.

“You still have one last present.” Xavier says. “It’s on the side of the house. Let’s go.”

“What is it?” Angel asks.

“You’ll see, my chunky monkey.” I tell him.

“I want to know too!” Celestine exclaims.

“You will soon, baby girl.” Xavier says.

“This is from us.” Xavier says.

“Thank you!” Both exclaim. 

“Can we ride them?” Celestine asks.

“Please.” Angel adds.

“You can ride your tricycles tomorrow. It’s a bit late for today.”


“I guess we made a good choice.” Xavier says placing his arm around my waist.

“Yes.” I respond watching them get on them. “Let’s go back inside.”

“Do we have to?” Celestine asks.

“Yes. We must go inside. I’m sure everyone will be going home soon.” I say.

“Okay, daddy. Are you going to read us a bedtime story?”Angel asks. 

“You know we do.”

“Oh, but can we call Kyle first?”

“Hmm, we’ll see.”

“They enjoyed their birthday party.” Xavier asks as I lean against him. 

“Yes, they did and all the presents too.”

“Yes. So are you going to read them their bedtime story?”

“Yes, but you should come too.”

“I will. I’m just going to get something to drink.” Xavier says kissing me.

“Okay, and I’m going to check they’re ready for bed.”

“Where are my babies?” I ask as I enter the twins’ bedroom.

“Daddy, we’re five. We’re not babies.” Angel says.

“Ah, but you like it when I carry you.” I tell him as I scoop him from the floor.

“No.” Angel says smiling.

“You do.” Celestine says.

I pick her up too, “And you do too.”

She shakes her head no with a smile. 

“Besides you both will always be my babies.”

“Okay, daddy, but put me down.” Angel says.

“Okay.” I respond giving him a kiss before putting him down on the bed, then giving a kiss to Celestine before putting her down too. I see they each have their newest stuff animal with them on the bed.

“Daddy, when is school starting?” Celestine asks.

“In about three weeks.”

“Do we get new things for school?” Angel asks.

“Yes, we’ll buy you some new clothes and the supplies you will need.”

“New backpacks?” Celestine asks.

“Yes, a new backpack too.”


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