Team of Good and Evil?

Start from the beginning

"I can't have hot chocolate. Something in it makes me sick." She hummed before pausing.

"Then why get me one?" He purred.

"I always do it when I'm doing a one on one conversation with a female. It's mostly to try and keep peace with them, but different females have seen a different answer each time." She hummed before he spoke again. "So... have you decided?"

"Didn't need much time." She said before taking another sip. "I had made a group, very small, of me and five others that are the main people that do all the work. Me, Ice, Giovanni, Audrey, Elliott, and Remane; all labelled as 'Aids'." He hummed.

"Not a bad little group."

"What about you?" He fell silent for a minute.

"I chose some indifferent people. Really, there wasn't many members from the cult I could use. So I was able to get the boss to help me out instead. I was able to convince two outside people, two that have done outside reforming, to join our ranks." She hummed before speaking.

"Who are the reformed people?"

"Is that your curiosity or leadership experience?"

"Take it as you see it."

"Bede from Galar and Onyx from Dajelae. They have come a long way. I also asked a certain Mythical Pokemon, Remedy, if she could assist as I know how well we're able to get healers."

"We have Ice."

"And Hagnoreld, Cult of Crime boss. But what happens when they fall?" Admiral hummed at that. "Sadly, Remedy said she wouldn't do full time. So if we become desperate, she'll be there. Not only that, but she leads a little group of reformers." Admiral nodded as she finished the hot chocolate.

"Well... then I guess we best get together the team and see where we go from there." He nodded as she went to leave. "Back here after lunch?"

"If you gather those Aids in an hour, I might kill you." She chuckled before her phone appeared in her hand.

"See how long that lasts." He growled before taking off, no doubt to give his group a lift.


She arrived a little late, but she had to help Crepe get out of a PB&J from the Union's food team. She sighed as she went over.

"Your allies assemble, but you're late?"

"Crepe almost was forced to get an allergic reaction. I had to save him." The Midori could only muster a hum as she scanned the group. "Is this everyone?"

"Other than Remedy? Yes. And before you get introductions across, I know your whole part. It's me doing them."

"I have to do it for the people on your side that don't know, snotty pants." He growled as she smiled. "But I'll let you go first because I'm being nice." He didn't reply at first before his words flew out.

"This is Bede." The male nodded. "He once sorta worked with Marco Cosmos. He's right now supposed to be doing Gym challenges, but I saved him from that. He's the Fairy Gym leader up down there." He then gestured to the older male beside him. "This is Hagnoreld, Cult of Crime boss and a practical family member of mine." He pulled a rock out of his pocket and threw it at the male that was outside their little circle. A PSYCHIC grabbed it before it hit the back of his head before an Espeon poked its head up. "Almost... over there is Onyx, a former member of Team Snagem and a current Vigilant in Dajelae. Other than a few scars, he'll probably be a backup member."

"And you wonder why I keep a knife on me when you're around." The Midori instantly glanced at the outcast before calling out.

"I'm sorry?!" He gained no reply before he growled. "Of course he does that. Every time..." Admiral giggled before clearing her throat.

"Well... nice to meet you three. As for my team... this is Ice; leading the Frost Section and former Dim Sun Admin, Audrey; leading the Stormy Section and former Leader of the Abyssal Cult, Elliott; leading the Fiery Section and Leader of the Lazerblades, Remane; leading the Shifting Section and Leader of the Dark Prison, Giovanni; leading the Terrain Section and former leader of Team Rocket, and I'm Admiral; leading the Spacial Section and founder of this team." Each member did a soft wave upon being mention. Purple might've done a growl, but it was unknown.

"Well... now that we're all here, let's decide our plan. The Cult of Crime have already made their moves. I'll assume the Pact has as well?" Admiral nodded.

"Let's get to it."


Meanwhile, Crepe glanced at the meeting from his hiding place. It was obvious he used the PB&J as a way to follow Admiral to this. He had already gathered pictures and notes of what he witnessed.

"Found you."

(Let me know if you need anything else.)

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