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Young POV

"Yeah she finna turn sixteen" I say

"And she wants a party" My mama say

"People be planning that shit for months. Her birthday in like two weeks" I say

"Nothing big because well you know" my mama say looking around

"What do I know" I ask

"She's still in trouble" Kayleigh gone be in trouble til she die. I just don't like bitches taking care of niggas. Especially the ones I take care of

"Oh yeah that's why" she's hiding some. Now if I kick her ass out my house imma be wrong "The living room is real cute"

I rolled my eyes because that's exactly what it is "Ariana did this shit" I just asked for a couch and a damn TV. She got end tables, lamps, rugs, and everything else that I do not want

"Gives it that home vibe" my mama say "but you should've got a three bedroom for the new baby"

"It's a boy and he got a room at Ari place. He don't need two" he can get like a little bed in my room or something but a whole room? I already know he ain't finna be over here everyday

"You gone cry when you realize it's a girl" My mama say

"No girls" I say "You asked for hella grandkids and I done gave you three"

"Maybe four, what if she have twins" my mama ask

"One staying at the hospital and that's word to Jesus himself because, why would you give me two at the same time" I was dead ass serious. Two kids doing all that crying? Hell no

"Ari would not let that happen" my mama laugh "I think that's who you gone end up marrying"

Me married? Don't see it. It's a million bitches in this world and you think I'm finna sign my life over to one bitch?

I already done got two crazy bitches pregnant.

"Ari ain't none serious" I shrug

The door opened and Ari walked in "oh a key? I think it's a little serious" I rolled my eyes

"Hey Kenya" Ari say

"Hey Ari" my mom smile

"Where's Bryce" Ari ask

"Hey Ariana" I say

"Hey" Ari smile

She closed and locked the door "Bryce is in there playing with that stupid dog" I don't know why the fuck I gave his bad ass a dog. First off he picked the girliest damn dog

A miniature fucking poodle "are we going tomorrow to shop for his room"

"I thought you went today. I'm tied up tomorrow" I say

"All day" Ari ask

"Pretty much" I say. Gotta go to Chicago and kill Trent. I'm leaving at nine in the morning.

He ain't finna think he can just slam my bitch like that shit cool. Trent been getting away with too much shit and it's time he just make his way to hell

"Well we can go today" Ari say

"What do you need me for" I ask

Bryce know not to act a fool so I know that's not it "what do you mean? This is your house"

"Ight Ariana do not worry about it. I got it" I say

"What does that mean" Ari ask

"You ain't gotta do it" I say "imma get it handled" she rolled her eyes sitting on the couch "hope them bitches get stuck"

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