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Young Pov

I sat in the cafeteria bored out of my fucking mind. I don't know what was on the menu but this morning I woke up sick as a fucking dog. It's my stomach and I don't know why the fuck it's been hurting

On the bright side Jada and Bryce are coming to see me tomorrow. I been keeping my head down and not giving anybody any issues. No smart comments and I definitely ain't touched nobody.

I don't know how much longer that shit gone work. That's probably why I'm so sick. I can't be myself

"You might be pregnant" Essence laugh. I've been chilling with this bitch. Although I don't like her fuck ass daddy and I care for another sibling Essence pretty damn cool. She finna get out soon and just don't need anything messing that up so she be chilling.

"You eating that nasty ass spaghetti" the damn sauce wasn't even mixed in. It was just sitting on top of them dry ass noodles "you gone be sick"

"It's really not that bad" and then her nasty ass put ketchup on it. Some girl walked in and bitch was bad! I'm talking hips, ass, and a cute small face. I watched her walk all the way to the line "damn you do not have to look at her like that"

"I want her" and I'm gone get her.

"Don't you got like ten kids" I looked at her

"I'm already starting not to like you" I say

She smiled "hell if I care. You need to leave that girl alone"

"Why would I do that? Do you see her booty" I ask "she probably wearing that for me"

"A jumpsuit? Bitch we all wearing them" I started laughing. Have you ever met someone just like you? I promise Essence is me just a little bit more mature.

"Blah blah" I got up and walked towards her "hey"

"Not interested" bitch didn't even look at me

"What somebody stole your jello or some" I laugh

"If you was cracking jokes instead committing crime you wouldn't be here" I scrunched my face up, who is this hoe?

"Bitch first of all I'm innocent" I say

"Watch your mouth" she say finally looking up at me

"Bitch I can say whatever I want" I say "bitch" had to say it again just to make her a little bit more upset

She punched me in my face. I heard the whistles and shit which means somebody on the way. Fuck that though. I grabbed these hard ass plates they serve us on and hit that bitch right in the head. Now her head can be just as big as her butt.

I felt myself being pushed against the floor. I smiled when I saw that fat booty bitch hit the floor "solitaire. No calls and no visitors"

Fuck they mean? They pulled us out the cafeteria and down the hall "all because your raggedy ass don't know what no means"

"Bitch cry me a river" I say

We went down some steps and it was damn near dark. No fucking light. They put her in a room and me in one right next to it. Oh fuck no! This shit was a size of an apartment closet! I couldn't even turn around. I sat on the bed okay maybe this is my fault. Just maybe though.

It's no clock in here. Just a bed, sink, and I guess this a toilet. It's pretty fucking disgusting. "You just can't help yourself" it was no windows so I didn't know who was talking. The door opened and Tate stood in the doorway.

"Just the person I want to see. Get me the fuck up outta here" I stand up "yo fuck ass guard big tripping"

"No you big tripping" he mock "you have fun down here"

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