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December 29 ,2020

Young POV

I threw the boxes off the truck. Who the fuck does this shit all their life?

"How do you like it so far" my Supervisor Andy ask. I looked at him

"No" I say "this shit is boring and it's hot"

"You turned your fan off" Andy ask

"That shit blowing hot air" I say "and look here Andy that thirty minute lunch not gone cut it"

He started laughing "I have no control over that part. It's just the company" Fuck this job seriously "but I came to ask if you wanted to stay overtime"

"Nope" I don't even want to be here my regular shift why the fuck would I stay

"Really? It's time and a half" I shrugged

"Don't need it" I say looking up at the clock. I pulled my phone out

"No phones on the floor" Andy say

I started laughing "I am grown"

"I'm going to have to write you up" Andy say

Me: what you cooking

Might as well send the message "Ight that's cool"

"Too many of these and you lose your job" I do not give a fuck. I would love to lose this job "you doing real good though your numbers are high"

Of course my P.O. made me get a job and my ass was not going to fast food. Ari helped me with my application and everything for this warehouse.

Since I got out Ari been all under me. I fasho don't mind it. She playa as fuck though because I still haven't came across that Creed bitch.

"I'm sure this is equivalent to slavery" I say throwing the box down

"At least today is pay day" my first check. I'm a little proud not gone cap "did you ever do you direct deposit form"

"Direct deposit it where? I want cash" I say

"I can do a check" did I ask that? "Or a pay card"

"I'll take the check" I say

"Okay I'll let you get back to your thing" I looked at the clock just a hour left.

I got off and first thing I did was go to Bruce's daycare to pick him up. He could've been in PreK four but was not enrolled so we gone try the shit again next school year.

As soon as I walked in I rolled my eyes at the line. Jada finna start doing this bullshit and I'll drop him off.

After about five minutes I was finally at the front. You could hear kids crying and yelling. "Glad to see you! Bryce is actually not having a good day"

"He's a fucking kid, what the fuck can be going wrong? Ain't no color pages" I ask

"Come take a look" I followed her around and there my children was just fucking screaming. Just making noises for no fucking reason

"Aye you a retard? Shut the fuck up" he get this weird ass shit from Jada because why the fuck are you yelling like that? He looked at me and kept doing it. I really wanted to just punch him in the mouth but instead I thumped the fuck out of his lips over and over until he started crying "thought you was bad? Go get your backpack before I whoop yo ass"
He walked off and it was this lady walking in with a baby in her arms. She fine as fuck. I approached her "hey" had to flash her a smile

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