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November 16, 2020

(A month has passed)


"That baby must be mixed with Mexican" Kenya laugh

"Exactly because, who wants to eat tacos all day" I say

"Y'all are racist" Kayleigh say "y'all know all Katorah do is eat tacos. That baby already acting like her" father God do not let my baby come out acting like her. I know for a fact I can not deal with that.

"Sorry Ari" Kenya say making me laugh

Creed: did you want me to come over today

Me: do you want to come over

I rubbed my stomach. It's so small and cute. "Ari what are you doing for Thanksgiving"

I don't really care for the holidays. Usually it's just Trent and I. Therefore no drama or pretending to be fake. Obviously a lot has changed and that will not be happening. "I don't know yet"

"If you want you always have a seat at my table" I smiled. Kenya is so nice. She checks in on me and the baby, even offer money.

"Katorah is definitely adopted" I say "thank you for the invitation"

"No thank you. You don't have to include us but you do" Kenya say

"Of course" I smile

Creed: 🙄

Creed and I still haven't done anything! All we do is kiss. I thought people said lesbians moved fast? I think it's because I'm pregnant. Whatever.

"I wish you tell us the gender" Kayleigh say

I'm currently sixteen weeks. My baby definitely wants everybody to know the gender the way them sonograms be. So my doctor and I wait for them legs to close to print them out for my family and friends.

"Nobody knows the gender" I just want to do it this way. My baby shower I really just want a few shades of nude. That'll be so cute if I have one but a waste of money. I only know like six people

"It doesn't matter to me none. As long as the baby is healthy I'm okay" Kenya say making me smile

"Do you have a name at least" Kayleigh ask

"No" I say

"Please don't do it after a brand. Those names are not cute to me" Kenya say "come on baby Dior"

I started laughing "I'm not doing that" my baby is name is going to be something cute. I know I want to do the K thing and not for Katorah. Tried being cute and coming up with a name together and she dismissed the whole subject and said as long as the baby has her last name.

I really want to know if she's going to want a DNA test. The bitch has asked me how many weeks I am and my due date many of times. My due date has changed like two times so far. I think she's trying to get me caught up but I'm not lying. Trust I would not want to pin my baby on a deadbeat.

Creed: left on read 🤔

Me: it's either you coming or not Creed

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