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Ari pov

"Yosohn look at the pretty tree" I smile

Today his eyes were green. He is such a handsome baby. I really wonder where did these eyes come from

Kay opened the door and walked in. She walked towards us, we were sitting on the floor next to our tree, she took him out my hands and sat on the couch "excuse you" I stand to my feet

"Yo. look at this hair my dude" she smile looking at him "you got a freckle or two"

"You didn't even wash your hands while you got your hands all in his face" I don't care. When you come inside my house wash your hands before touching my baby

"Still ain't no color but I can rock with that I guess" she ignore me.

I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed the sanitizer and walked back to her "here" She laid him on the couch and snatched it from me before using some and sitting it on the table "keep it up"

She smacked her lips and picked my son back up "I got my son some gifts and imma be here to give 'em to him"

"I've never stopped you from seeing him" I say

"On Christmas Day! He gone be here" I shook my head no

"You know I'm taking him to Chicago" I say

"Yeah that's what you thought" Kay look at me. Damn this bitch is so sexy "my son ain't going out there. They wanna see him then send them some pictures. I'll do one better, FaceTime them"

"You got me so fucked up. He went to New York for your family so why is this any different" I ask

"I don't trust your family" Kay say "and if anything happen to my son imma blame you. You know I kill behind mine"

"If you tell me you gone kill me one more time" I say

"Can you please leave me alone? I came over here for my son and my son only" well that hurt my feelings just a little bit

"Whatever" I say walking upstairs. She's actually done with me. Whatever. We gone see when I start back dating.

I laid in my bed and eventually went to sleep.

Felt someone grab my by my arm and sit me up causing me to open my eyes. No this bitch did not! With my son in her arms. She had my phone in her hand. Since when we do that? "You been texting this nigga"

"What" I ask

"Honestly you pissing me off. It actually hurt me that I can't whoop your ass how I want to" I stood up "you better sit the fuck down cause I'm not high. I will beat your ass today"

The shit she was saying really didn't scare me but her voice was so stern so I just sat back down "I just want to talk to her"

She started laughing, this bitch really reminds me of the joker "Ariana"

"Why does it matter who I talk to? You don't want me, remember that" I roll my eyes

"So that mean talk to her" Kay ask

"She knows about Trent. I just want to know what she knows and how she know" she looked at me

"Who did you tell" Kay ask

"Nothing. I mean nobody. I didn't tell anybody" I say looking at my son in her arms

"Stop fucking lying so much my nigga" she moved closer to the bed and I reached for my son "you scared" she move my hands because we both know if I'm holding my son she's not going to do anything "who did you tell"

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