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In the last chapter I was putting Micah instead of D. I fixed it but some of you had already read it so to clear it up last chapter D died not Micah!

Essence Pov

I picked the phone up "Ari, where are you" I'm so tired. I just arrived to New York to look after her and the kids.

"I'm in Atlanta, why isn't Katorah answering the phone" I could hear the frustration in her voice

Why the fuck is she in Atlanta? "Why are you in Atlanta? Where are the kids"

"Jada called me" I never have liked Jada. It's always bad news with her "my kids are with Kenya"

At least she doesn't have her kids "Jada got Young set up" i walk through the airport. I was only telling Ari so she could avoid anything that bitch would do. How you gone get your babymama set up like that? What the fuck are you going to tell your son?

"Where the fuck is she" Ari ask "is she okay"

Honestly I did not want to tell Ari anything right now. For one she's there and I'm here, for two I don't even know what to tell her, and for three I don't need her touching Jada. I want to beat her ass my damn self.

This is her wife though "I'm waiting on a word now"

"You left her" she raise her voice

"I came to get you! Young wanted to make sure you and the kids were okay" she's not as selfish as I thought she was. I mean she was dying and she only cared about Ari. That's some real nigga ass shit.

"If she wanted to make sure we were okay then she should do it herself. She just got you doing this because she got a baby on the way, she trynna get a reaction out of me? What the fuck she got going" this girl is in straight denial. I just told her I was waiting on a word but this is Young we're talking about. The bitch that got shot in the stomach and went to a baby shower and hospital for her maybe baby in the same day. She's built different. One of the strongest people I know.

"She was shot Ari" I let out "multiple times"

"Alright, what hospital" before we went in Young made it known not to take her to a damn hospital. I wanted to disregard her wishes but Levi wasn't budging

"She's not at a hospital" I mumble. If Ari was here, I'm New York, then I could just lie and say a hospital in Chicago but that's not the case here.

"She's not what" Ari ask

"She didn't want to go to a hospital" Ari started laughing "she's being taking care of"

"Essence I'm hungry, pissed, sleepy, confused, and frustrated" she start "and I don't want to take it out on you, I really don't. Take Katorah to the fucking hospital! I don't give a damn what she got to say. Matter of fact I'll take her my damn self, where is she"

This is her wife. The person that legally makes the decisions while she's unconscious "I'll send you the location. Do not take Jada there"

"Oh you don't have to worry about Jada. Send me the location" and she hung up

I ordered me an Uber. I need to get to them kids. Young would kill me if something happens to them. I'm sure Kenya would die protecting them but after that then what?

Once I got to Kenya's house after about a hour because I didn't have the damn address. I just knew how to get there but Uber really don't work like that.

"Essence" Kenya question

"Hey Kenya, how are you" I smile

"I'm good" she start winking making me look at her up and down

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