Chapter 13 - An Old Friend

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Warning/s: Cussing, violence?

A/n: Red Velvets english voice is hot.

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You woke up and immediately forced yourself up. You were in another cell, how lovely.

Around you was machines, all whirring away in the dark, you couldnt see much, the slight light from the mqchines. You walk up close to the walls, and feel for them. The bars were too close together for you to slip through, and they seemed to be made out of solid metal.

You hear foot steps and look over to them, a light flickering on.

"Well well, Y/n, I believe it is time I let you in on all there is to know" Dark Enchantress starts. Beside her was a short cookie with fluffy pink hair. They seemed rather annoyed.

"Im sure you already know a fair bit, its quite obvious what I want. But let me take it back a few steps. Ive gathered as many healing cookies as I could, weak and strong, young and old. And I put them inside this very cell" she walked up to the cage and traced her finger over the bars.

She then turned on a button, instantly making your legs feel weak and making you fall. Was the button meant to immobilize you?

"This, is the work of my dear Strawberry Crepe. They have made what I like to call, the sharing machine." She explained to you, fluffing up their hair, much to their dismay.

You sat on the ground looking at her in the eyes, filled with such hatred.

"Let me introduce you to my old friend" she waved her arm over to the wall, and a spot light turned on. There, the legend that was Pure Vanilla Cookie, was chained to the board.

"Or, what remains of him, this is merely what you would consider a copy, he doesnt know who he is, and he cant use his healing... not yet." She walked over to the seemingly lifeless cookie, and turned on another button, making the cookie cringe in pain.

"You just have to share your healing abilities with him him. He already trusts us and is on OUR side." she said with a smile.

You glared at her, "You're not going to get away with this" your words filled with venom.

She cackled, flipping on a switch. You lurch in pain and fall back, it felt like the jam was being drained from you.

"I already have dear Y/n, no one can save you. I really only need you, and a few more healers if I can get my hands on them." She flips on another switch, the pain doubles.

Tears slip from your eyes, the pain was getting more intense. You wipe away the few stray tears and you bite your tounge to keep yourself from screaming.

"That Red Velvet went soft on me. He got attached, he gets attached to every goddamn living thing he sees (Same). He is weak, but you..." she had walked back to your cell, and pet the top of your head, "You are just what I need."

With the remaining energy you had left, you slap her hand away, "Dont talk about him like that." You say through gritted teeth.

"What, that hes pathetic? He really is. He thought locking every door in that building would keep me from taking you back. That making double the amount of cakes he normally does would keep you around. In fact..." she paused, briskly walking over to the window. "He'll be on his way here as soon as he gets back and sees that you are gone."

She pointed at crepe, who rolled their eyes and flipped on the last switch.

It was pure agony, you felt your self being practically torn apart. You couldnt speak anymore, just scream. You felt the energy and the once warm and fuzzy feeling that being a healer gave you, drain away. It felt like multiple spikes being pierced through you all at the same time. You thought you'd pass out from the shear amount of pain.

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