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I flipped through the small pictures, most having small notes with them. My smile dropped when I came across the one of Daryl, "Before finding Sofia, the day was relatively amazing. Who knew Daryl liked to tell stories..."
I didn't dare read the rest of it, embarrassment flooding me. The feeling felt like a roller coaster as my stomach flipped and my throat tightened as if I'd throw up. It's been a few days since Dale's death, and the shower incident. Did I say or do anything wrong? Was he truly uncomfortable? Mostly, I was upset that during this time I've realized I liked Daryl.

My eyes went back to the picture, Daryl looking down in the water as the sun glowed over him. He looked handsome and carefree for once. The carefree part that is. All this time I've been telling myself what I felt for him was friendly but no. This was something else and I craved for it. The way his eyes would look at me sometimes was enough to leave me breathless. That night as I stood in the shower, I waited excited at the new realization. I wanted to believe for a moment that all my worries would melt away in his hands.

I pursed my lips, "What's the hold up-"
A small click sounded on the other side of the curtain, the door closing.
My stomach sank just at the memory. He left me in the bathroom, alone. I wasnt necessarily angry or mad at Daryl, the worst part was that it was my fault. Inviting him to take a shower and getting undressed in front of him... must've been shocking and uncomfortable for him. This entire time, I just felt embarrassed. Like a school girl getting rejected.

The oddest part was that Daryl hardly seemed phased by it. He still talked to me sometimes, only difference was the pink hue to his cheeks on occasion. I took his bandanas out of my pocket, deciding on whether I should wear them or not. After the other night, it only felt inappropriate. Sighing, I stood up, "Should probably give these back..." the words almost silent. The zipper on my tent was pulled open, Maggie poking her head in, "Hey we are getting stuff ready."

I nodded, the last two days have been spent getting supplies incase Randall's group comes. With Dale's death, the group decided he was right in the end. They planned to let him go out in the woods, close enough to a road so he can make it out. It was better than killing him, this way he had a fighting chance to get back to his pals. The biggest issue was that we needed to bunker down, just incase Randall actually does lead them back. Stepping out of the tent, I could see everyone unloading items from the trucks. Hershel was welcoming us into the house for all of this and during winter time. I grabbed my bag and items, trekking up the small hill, "Think we can all fit in the living room?" I asked with a laugh. Maggie shook her head with a smile, "No. You though, you're welcome up in the guest bedroom. You and Daryl that is." I stopped dead in my tracks, "Whoa there- I-" She looked back to me, "Wait are you guys... not?"
I shook my head, unable to even say anything scared itd make things worse as my face already began to heat up. Looking down and studying the grass as she spoke, "I'm sorry (Y/n). I just assumed since yall-" Maggie cleared her throat and whispered, "-took a shower together... the other night..."
My head shot back up to her, no longer hiding the red covering my face, "Oh god no! We-" Rick and Daryl stood on the porch a few feet away, "he-" I puffed my cheeks in an attempt to cool down. She patiently waited as I shook my head again, "he... he didnt- want to?" It came out sounding as a question and not entirely on purpose. Maggie's jaw dropped, "You're telling me. Daryl rejected you?"
"Well," I looked over her shoulder as the men spoke, "not- not really?"
"You are a mess right now girl," she looked back at them, then to me, "what happened in there?"
"Do we have to talk about it?" I whined.
Her hair blew behind her as a cold breeze came through, "No.. but something is bothering you. It's never good to hold that stuff in."
I sighed, closing my eyes, "Well... we kinda... planned to? Both got into the bathroom then he left me in the shower." It all came out sounding unsure, as if I still questioned what exactly happened that night. She scoffed, "Men."
I shook my head for what felt like the hundredth time, "No its not his fault. Probably made him uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry (Y/n), he still shouldve said something before going along with it though."
Sighing, I started the walk again, "No at this point I'm just trying to forget it. Act as if it didnt happen."
"Well he sure is," she nodded towards them, "couldnt even tell something was up."
"That's comforting," I rolled my eyes.

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