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It's been a month since the farmhouse. We all currently sat and made camp by some old ruins.

By we I mean T-Dog, Carol, Hershel, Beth, Maggie, Glenn, Carl, Lori, Rick, Daryl, and I. Everyone but Shane, he was killed by Rick during the hunt for Randall; Andrea was left behind like I almost was and Patricia died.

The plan wasnt to stay there long but once it started snowing, it was hard to travel. Luckily it slowed down the Walkers and activity was at an all time low. The biggest danger was the elements. Our tents werent very durable but held up enough, the cold was hard to handle though. Especially when a blanket of snow covered everything.
Things with Daryl have moved at an all time slow. There were other things of importance than romance. Although, since our conversation about Merle he hasnt brought anything up to me. I couldnt help but feel as if a small wedge was between us.
I stepped into my tent, kicking my boots off and crawling beneath the sleeping bag. Soon another person came through the tent, them also kicking their boots off but setting their crossbow against the tent side.

Did I forget to mention we were rooming together?

Part of me felt annoyed at the tension between us, only because I couldnt identify what exactly it was. Everyone was rooming with at least one person and everyone mutually agreed to press the cost together, except us. Ours were seperated, which that did help when it came to my never ending crush on him... it didnt help with the cold. "Christ didnt think Georgia got this cold," I said under my breath.

A snort sounded from his sleeping bag, "Sure chose the right time to do it. No heat or house."
"I took it for granted," a shiver went up my spine, "Maybe we can head into town. Search for a genny."
"Doubt there are generators left-"
"-doesnt hurt to look."
He scoffed, "Fine. We can leave in the morning."
"You dont have to go," I turned to see he was already facing me, all bundled up in his sleeping bag. The sight was kind of cute, "Lord-" I chuckled, "-should see yourself."
"Pretty arent I?" He smirked and rolled his eyes. I couldn't stop the smile from dancing over my lips, of only he knew... "Pagent worthy."
Daryls eyes narrowed, "Damn right."
The small talk was blissful, I missed talking to him like this. Friendship between us has stayed steady but I felt as if itd never go any further. Just thinking about it going past friends made my face grow hot, that wasn't much of a bad thing seeing as how cold it already was.

"Go to sleep already."
I stuck my tongue out, "Sure thing princess. Just gotta get warm enough to make sure I wake back up."
"Hey," he chuckled, "Can always cuddle up with me. We ain't toddlers, not like I got cooties." I grew silent, unable to tell if he was completely joking, in all honesty I wanted to take him up on the offer.
"If anything I gotta worry about yours."
"Cooties?" I rolled my eyes and curled further into my bag, "Shut up."
His laugh was low and quiet but enough to warm me up.
Sleep wasnt restful anymore, felt as if a storm always cracked away inside me.
"Rick," I found him sitting on a rock ledge, "Howd you sleep?"
He looked back to me, no smile, no source of humor. It was sad to see him this way, after he killed Shane last month... Rick hasnt been the same. I stepped over and sat next to him, "Me too..." Everyone looked exhausted, the weather was starting to hurt. He looked over to me, squinting from the bright snow, "Daryl said something about going on a run. Your idea?"
"Yea," I rubbed my hands together, "Figured if we found a generator, we could get some heaters and get warmth in the tents. This cold shit is getting annoying."

His eyes dropped from me with a small nod, poor sap was just... depressed. I couldnt help but feel bad, "Hey..." nudging his arm, "You should go with us." Giving away my alone time with Daryl, as much as I loved it, could make Rick feel happy for five minutes... it was worth it.
"Nah I-" Rick paused as if trying to think up a reason. I smiled, "I get it but maybe it do you some good. Get away from camp for a little bit?"
"But Lori... I gotta stay with her."
I only sighed, he was torturing himself when it came to Lori.
Everytime he looked at her, all he can think of is Shane. It was something he tried to talk to me about one night, Rick started but couldnt finish.

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