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"Lori?" We all stopped walking and I turned to face her.
She shook her head and looked back to us, "Why just one?"
"They're fine," Carol smiled, "No need to worry."
A gunshot echoed through the forest earlier, since than Lori has been on edge. I couldnt blame her, "Hey the guys probably decided to hunt. Dinner for tonight."
"Yea," her voice didnt sound certain but she finally let it rest.

After a few silent moments I looked to Daryl, he hasnt said anything since earlier. Part if me was embarrassed over the things Andrea said earlier. The only times I've been asked about Daryl were in private. Being accused if sleep with him... in front of him? Christ, I thought back on the look on his face. Was it anger? Embarrassment? Hell I dont know. Currently I was unable to read any expression on his face. My head felt like it was spinning thinking of possibilities.

Glenn and Carol said back at the CDC that we were close, we are just friends.


My eyes searched his profile. Daryls eyes almost cat like that matched the sharp cheekbones angled down his face. I felt my face get warm as I continued to analyze him, his lips slightly agape as he took in a breath of air, Daryls tongue slightly wet his bottom lip. It smoothly drug across across and I found myself biting on my own, my eyes finally going up his face and taking in the bright blue. God Daryls features were absolutely beautiful, how did I not realize this sooner? Of course I thought he was already attractive like the rest of our camp but this acknowledgment was different. Something in my chest twitched and I felt like I'd throw up from the butterflies in my throat.

What is this crap?!

I looked away and shook my head, trying to clear it. This kind of stuff is what distracted people, doesnt help everyone probably already saw me staring and assumes what Andrea said was true. Fuck Andrea, I knew the truth and I dont care who believed it. But I do... My eyes dropped to the forest floor, "Sorry."
"Huh?" He looked over with a brow raised as I whispered, "Must be embarrassing." Daryl looked away, "I-"

Everyone spun towards the scream, Andrea on the ground and a Walker ontop. I ran over, her screams echoing throughout the trees. "RAH!" I yelled as I pushed forward, tackling the Walker off of her. Me and the Walker rolled away from her and he was now ontop of me, his smell so strong that my dinner almost came up. I couldn't grab the hatchet on my belt and fought to keep his face away from me, "FUCK!"

A loud thumping started clouding my ears, I squeezed my eyes shut as a horse came into view. The walkers scream was cut off as the horse ran past, the rider having smashed him over the head with a bat. I pushed him off of me, the others running over. Looking up I realized it was a woman, her short brown hair swung across her face, "Are you Lori?!" A sinking feeling settled in me as Lori corrected her. "Come on, Carl's been shot." My hand flew over my mouth, "Oh god." She continued to tell us directions to their farm, all of us a bit too shocked to respond. Daryls brow furrowed as Lori climbed onto the horse, "You cant go with her! We dont know her!" Without any hesitation the young woman rode away with Lori. I sat up from the ground, jaw open, "She knew Rick and Carl's name... I'm sure she is safe."
Andrea stepped forward and held her hand out, "Thanks."
I stared at her hand for a moment, "I got it," looking away I helped myself up. Her offering a hand up felt like some sort of apology but I wasnt ready to accept it yet. Standing on my feet, Daryls lips tightened as he watched me pass him. He seemed to have something to say but held it back, at this point I couldnt focus on him. All that was spinning in my mind was that Carl got shot.
Dale's mouth hung open, "What?!"
"Yea," I ran a hand through my hair, "she came riding in like Zorro and took Lori."
"You just let her?" he asked appalled.
Carol shook her head, lightly touching Dale's arm, "No. She knew their names and it seemed real."
"She gave us instructions to get to their farm," Glenn said, taking a map out of his bag.
Dale shook his head, "We gotta get there then."
"But Sofia-" I cut Carol off, "-we arent leaving her. Hell I will make a sign and leave supplies."
"We will check here everyday," Daryl joined in, "If she comes back here she will be safe."
Carol's lips twitched slightly as she held back more tears, I sighed and pat her arm, "We will find her if she doesnt find us first alright? Sofia is smart." She only nodded and turned into the RV.

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