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We all rode in silence, after the CDC explosion no one was in the mood to speak. Death, destruction, and despair seemed to follow us. Once we thought things were getting better, it only went down hill.

The CDC was gone and so was Jaqui. That's another person down. We all had to stop and regather our wits. Daryls truck ran out of gas so he had to continue on with Merles motorcycle.
I could hear the rumble of it outside, looking through the window I watched him pass us. Dale soon came to a stop, others piling out to talk. Rick walked my direction, "You alright?"
"Yea," I stepped from the RV, "go check on your people. They need you right now." He looked to them, I was right. Everyone looked around the highway, lost and uncertain. Their morale seemed to be at an all time low as our new destination was Fort Benning.

Daryl rode over to Dale, "I can lead you guys through a spot." There was a semi that was overturned, it blocked some of the way but seems like there is a way past. Dale nodded and signalled for the others. The drivers hopped in their vehicles and followed Daryl, the others and myself chose to walk a bit. Riding for hours in a cramped RV wasnt so fun, my knees whined from the small exertion.

It wasnt long before our group stopped again and the men started hatching a plan. Looking around to the abandoned cars I stepped over, "Hey why dont we try and loot a bit? Things seem pretty abandoned and we could get some supplies." Shane looked back at me, "Yea go ahead. Tell the others but make sure they're paired up." I nodded, "Sure thing-" "-yea we'll join in a minute," he interrupted me. I watched as he turned back to the other men, my eyes caught Dale's who only shook his head.

Ignoring his attitude, I turned towards the women, "Hey!"

Rick's POV:
I watched as (Y/n) walked away, talking to Lori and the others. Unable to stop the look on my face, looking back towards Shane, I said, "What was that for?"
"Huh?" He looked from under his brow.
"You cut her off," Glenn mumbled.
Shane looked to the ground, he wanted to say something but was holding back. I couldnt help but feel confused, the man he is now wasnt my friend. Dale let out a chuckle, "What did she do? Reject you?" His joke seemed a bit dry as Shane remained quiet. Glenn's eyes widened, "Wait-" "-cut it out. What's the path we got?" Daryl interrupted, pushing past Dale and taking a look at the map. I couldnt help but keep watching Shane, his face flushed. To be honest, I couldnt tell if it was from embarrassment or anger.

The ladies walked past us, Lori's hand squeezing my arm as she walked by. I smiled and turned, squeezing her hand and watching them start searching. Looking to the guys I noticed Shane was still silent. Maybe I could get him to talk to me later...

"Alright so let's just join the others. Once it starts getting dark we will head out."

They all nodded along to my words, spreading out amongst the cars. Daryl stuck out to me, he slowly seemed to edge closer to (Y/n)s area.

I dug through the open window, finding a small duffle bag full of clothes. With a small smile I took some out, looked too small for me but could probably fit one of the other women. "Shopping?" I looked over and saw T-Dog. "None of this can fit me but the others would probably kill for a new shirt." He chuckled and walked over, "Anything for me?" Digging further in the bag I pulled out an item, its lace and silk a dark blue, "How about this?" T-Dog held his hands up, "Hey!" "Oh come on," I teased, "Blue is your color." He laughed and walked passed, nudging me to the side. The genuine smile that sat on my lips felt odd after the last few days but I welcomed it.

A car door softly shut nearby, looking over I saw Daryl. Sticking some of the items in my bag, I jogged over. He busied himself with a truck, popping it open and hardly noticing me. "Hey, think Fort Benning is of any use?"
Daryl continued to ignore my presence, digging through some items and moving on. His silence worried me, what's changed since the day at the CDC?

we were about to die.

The thoughts of the small hug shared made my face heat up, although I couldnt tell if the burning was from the sun or not. The hot summer day beat down on us as everyone dug through what was practically a graveyard. "Arent you gonna say somethin'?" Daryl finally spoke but only after an hour of me following him around and scavenging the same vehicles. I looked up from the glove compartment, "I dont know... honestly shouldnt I be the one giving YOU the cold shoulder?" His eyes searched the backseat in silence as I continued, "Seems to be the other way around."
"I'm not givin' you a cold shoulder."
"Pft," I rolled my eyes a smirked, "so ignoring me for an hour was for fun?" "No..." he trailed off and got out the back.
"Then what was that about?" I asked, looking over the roof to look at him.
Daryl bit his cheek, "Jus' thinkin'."
"About the CDC?"
"Yea," he closed the car door and rounded to the car infront of us and near T-Dog and Shane. I thought back on what all happened at the CDC, quietly asking, "About Dr. Jenner or Shane?"

His face twisted a bit, "Both."
"Honestly its all I've been thinking about," I nodded to myself, "and you."
"Huh?" His head shot my direction as if I just sprouted horns.
Chuckling, I reached into the car and pulled out a brightly decorated bag, "Didn't think I would forget about our fight did you?" Daryls eyes fell to the ground, "Dunno, thought youd just leave it." The fact he thought I'd drop him so easily hurt, then again what he said was enough for me to do so. "I didn't because I know you didnt mean it," I unzipped the bag, taking a look inside but freezing up. Diaper bag. My eyes wondered to the contents in the backseat, blood and chunks of meat covered the small babyseat.

Daryl took notice and reached forward, taking the diaper bag out of my hands and tossing it to the side. Before he could say anything a car door slamming caught our attention. Someone sliding under a car, "GET DOWN!" Rick hissed. My eyes caught with the walkers that headed our way, a horde of them. They flooded the streets and passed cars, my heartbeat thudding hard. "Jesus!" They were closer than comfortable, Daryl looked up from my words and saw them. Before he could react I pushed him down, "(Y/n)-!" I put my fingers over his lips, hushing and pushing him. He got the memo and slid under the car, I tried to slide under the best I could, Daryl reaching out and pulling me farther under. My chest heaved, the hot concrete felt like an oven.

The walkers stumbled past, groans filling the empty air around them. Luckily it wasnt long before the feet started thinning out. Our breaths were synchronized as we waited, my hands shook slightly. A small shriek echoed throughout the area, I jumped and looked to where the others were. Tires and dead walkers blocked my view, Sofia. "Dont think about it." His voice was strong but low enough to not draw any attention. How did he know? "But-" "-(Y/n)." I looked over and met his crystal eyes, felt like a thousand words were spoken between those moments. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Sofia is fine. Sofia is fine. Sofia is fine.

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