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I stepped out of the RV, Rick stepping outside the farmhouse to greet us. "Oh god," I ran forward and gave him a short hug, "How is he? Is he okay?"
"Yes," he pulled away and smiled weakly, "He is fine. I'll explain more with everyone. Right now he is inside, to the left."
I nodded, taking a good look at him. The color in his face was almost gone, "How are you?"
"I, uh..." Rick looked to the ground and back up, "I'm fine. Just worn out, went through a lot of blood."
"Rest up alright?"
He watched as I walked away, heading towards the house. It really was absolutely stunning, its wrap around porch and serene fields was almost textbook. We had a few places like this in my hometown but I never lived in them, I didnt go any fancier than a one bedroom apartment.

Going up the steps I was greeted with old furniture and wallpaper rhat reminded me of floral. The screen door stayed open behind me and Carol stepped through. I turned back and we both gave comforting smiles, part of me was scared of how he looked. No one said how bad the shot was and I only imagined the worst. Stepping past a couch and coffee table, there was a door. Slowly I managed to open it, peeking inside to find Carl peacefully asleep. A sigh left my lips, "Thank god." I stepped inside and next to the bed. A small weight lifted from my shoulders as I took in his features. Carl was okay. Before turning to leave I knelt down, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. Poor boy...
We had a small service for Otis, the man that shot Carl and sacrificed himself to save him. It was a bittersweet ending. Yes he made up for the accident but at what cost? I watched as Shane spoke on their last moments together, he shaved last night and wore some of the man's old overalls. A feeling sat in the pit of my stomach, didnt feel right, but I ignored it. Shane seemed different but from what I can tell, he has been through a lot in the last couple hours.

Afterwards the others chatted amongst themselves, I stepped to the man known as Hershel, "Hello sir... I am terribly sorry for your loss. Otis sounded like a great man."
He took my hand in his, firmly shaking it, "Well this is what the world has come too. Taking our best."
"(Y/n)," I said, two women I havent met stood by.
"Hershel," he nodded towards them, "That's Beth, my daughter and a good friend of ours Patricia... she was Otis' wife."
My eyes slightly met her tear filled ones, she was in her own conversation though so I didnt say anything. It really was sad what happened but I couldnt help but feel relieved that Carl was fine though. Hershel stepped away to talk to the other women, a hand lightly touching my arm. Turning to meet with Rick, "How are you feeling?" I asked, "Really?"
He grimaced, "Was practically a bloodbag last night... so I'm about as good as I can be."
I smiled, "At least you are walking."
"Yea," he smiled back and looked towards the others that began setting up camp, "this place... it's quite nice."
"Beautiful," I took a deep breath, "Doubt they want us here too long though."
"Nah, no way they can turn us away. Things are too rough out there."
I hummed to myself, Rick was right but who were we to bombard their home?
Our group has officially set up camp under a few trees. The living situation was getting worked out, especially since we've lost some of our items since the first camp. For one, our tents were quite low but luckily they were big enough to keep multiple people.

The RV housed Dale, Andrea, and Carol.

T-Dog, Shane, and Daryl slept in one tent.

Rick, Lori, and soon Carl would be sleeping in another.

Which left me and Glenn to sleep in the same tent but that wasnt much of a bother. The others made sure to stress that to me and if I wasnt comfortable with Glenn I could join Carol and Andrea. Of course the last person i wanted to bunk with was Andrea so I didnt hesitate to agree on tenting with Glenn. It wasnt as if we were sharing a cot so I didnt see much of an issue.

I slept good that night, something about the farmhouse made me feel safe.
Waking up to a sizzling sound, I sat up and got dressed. The group could be heard talking outside so I joined them, stepping out the tent and getting a wave of breakfast. It's been so long since we've actually cooked, my stomach growled at the sight. Glenn stepped over, "Yall know (Y/n) snores?"
My brows furrowed, "Do not!" Rolling my eyes and walking past, "I'll have you know that Glenn was causing quite the issue last night. Talking in his sleep all boggled out."
The others laughed, camp seemed unusually happy but I wasnt going to argue against it. This was the first time we have set up camp since the reservoir, it was a sense of familiarity that we pined for. It wasnt long before the men started planning a search for Sofia.

"What can I do?"
"Keep watch on the camp," Rick said, "Hershel doesnt want any guns carried around the property but we got him agree to at least one."
Andrea stood across the truck from me, her eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of guns. Rick continued in a lower tone, "I'd like it if youd keep watch, using the rifle."
"Thank you Rick," it felt nice to be considered for watchmen, "but Andrea is a better shot than me. Mind if she does it?" Part of me felt Rick was happy with my decision, Lori most likely having told her what happened in the forest. I guess this way of forgiving her, holding a grudge about what she said wouldnt do anything. Andrea stared between us in shock and I just nodded, "I will find something to help around camp then."
Rick looked back to Andrea, "Up for it?"
"Of course," she took the rifle from him as I stepped away.

Glenn standing not too far with a pair of binoculars, "Helloo Farmers Daughter."
"Glenn!" I smacked the binocs down and sent him a scolding look, "Way to be obvious."
His cheeks burnt, "I-" he looked to the ground in embarrassment.
"Just," I took in a deep breath, "be careful? Please? Last thing we need is Hershel trying to shoot your ass."
"Oh didnt you forget?" Glenn smirked, "he isnt a fan of guns."
Dale spoke from behind us, "Neither do I but I know how to shoot."
I pursed my lips, unable to stop the amused grin spreading on my lips. Looking up I noticed Maggie rode closer, her holding another horse by a lead. "Hey I'm going on a run," her eyes wandered from Glenn to me as shecontinued, "Rick said you were comin'?"
"I am?" He asked shocked.
I snorted and smacked the bill of his hat down, "Yea," pulling him closer to whisper, "Get on that horse dumbass." If there was ever a time for Glenn to hit on her it was now, "Just be careful." I said louder, "I mean it." She only nodded, Glenn and Dale being the only ones to know what exactly I meant. His face only grew more red as he walked to the spare horse, struggling but eventually climbing on.

I shook my head and turned to Dale, "Youd think it was the first time he saw a girl," he said with a chuckle.
"She is gorgeous," what I said was true. The country accent that hung in her voice and dark hair was enough to make anyone swoon. Didnt help that she seemed to take a liking for Glenn, the nice guy. "Hell I cant blame him. He is lucky I didnt get to her first," I joked. Dale laughed and started sifting through a basket. The summer air hung on my skin, causing the hair on my head to cling to my forehead.

(If your hair is short, its unkempt so you have a few strands long enough to cover a bit of your forehead😉)

I checked my pockets and grabbed one of the bandanas, pulling it over my head and pushing the hairs from my face, tying it around. 

"Daryl!" Rick's voice drew my attention to them, "You okay on your own?"
"Better on my own, I'll be back before dark." Daryl said, swinging his crossbow around.
Rick shook his head slightly, wiping his upper lip, "We got a base. We can get this search properly organized now..."
I watched while separating some of the laundry, silent.
"You got a point, or are we just chatting?" he cocked his brow.
"My point is it let's you off the hook," he sighed, "You dont owe us anything."
Daryl looked to the ground for a moment, the look on his face told me he was wondering the same thing Rick was. He shook his head, "My other plans fell through," looking back  up.

Daryls POV:
I looked back up to Rick, him nodding. He turned and walked away as I looked towards camp. Rick was right, there was no real reason for me to stay. At that thought my eyes found (Y/n), she wore one of my bandanas over her head while messing with laundry.

The reason I stayed was to find Sofia. Just Sofia... right?

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