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I screamed as my knees caught on the edge, arms pinwheeling backwards.
Rick was able to steady himself on the ledge but I couldn't, it was too late.
2 hours earlier
I leaned against the RV as Rick tried to explain, "He was a danger to the group! Listen-"
"it's my fault..."
Everyone looked back and saw T, "I had the key.. I dropped it."
"And you couldnt pick it up?!" Daryl spit out.
"It fell down a drain man," he looked to the ground in defeat.
"You stupid mother-" he stepped towards him, pulling up the crossbow.
My feet moved before I could think any further on the matter, running infront of T, "It was an accident Daryl!"
"Get out of the way before I shoot you too!" He yelled.
I stood in place, "Your brother was a racist asshole and wouldve killed him if they didnt do anything!" Daryl pointed his crossbow at me, the front almost touching my nose.
"She is right," Rick agreed, his gun held a few centimeters from Dixons head, "we didnt intend to leave him there but we had reasoning."

My heart raced, thumping hard as the cold stare in Daryls eyes only seemed to harden. Part of me felt he was really going to shoot me. I only stood my ground, "Do it. Takes more than a shot to kill a (L/N)."

His eyes dropped, "Where is he?" the crossbow fell to his side and so did Rick's gun. A weight lifted off my shoulders, Lori answering, "Rick will show you."
With that the guys hitched a plan, sadly it was to go save that asshole.
"I dont like this," Shane said. I rolled my eyes as Rick continued to try and argue his point. I looked over to see Daryl standing by the moving truck, "Well I'm going whether you like it or not." Shane shot him a glare, "Go ahead and get your ass killed but we need more men and firepower here!" "Firepower? How about this, I dropped a bag of guns and ammo in Atlanta. We can bring that back."
"What?" I couldnt help but let that speak my interest.
He looked back at me and slightly smiled, "Yea, I cleaned out the weapons locker back home. It's full of supplies."
"Count me in," risking my neck for Merle is the last thing I'd do but firepower like that was too much to skip out on.
"No, you need to stay here with the rest of our women-" Shane attempted but I couldnt stop the scoff, "Skip me with your boys club bullshit. I can kick just as much, if not more Walker ass than you." A chuckle came from the side, everyone looking over to Daryl, "A woman? Sounds like she is challenging you."

"I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you," Rick continued, "She seems to be doing just alright."
I sent Shane and Daryl a shit eating grin, both of the men seeming to disagree with the other man's statement. "Guess I'm going then," I walked to the van, ignoring Daryls glare as I hopped in the passenger side.

It didnt take long for the others to get ready, I always carried as much as I could on me. Incase I ever needed to make a run for it. Soon everyone was loaded up and ready to go, by that I mean...
Daryl and Glenn in the back.
Rick and I up front.
We all seemed to agree that it was enough people needed.
"So, you got quite the balls. I'll say that."
I looked from the window, Rick focusing on the road. "Yea well, could say the same for you. No one could get Shane to bend for them. With you around, things already seem to be changing."
"He in charge around here?" He asked, taking a turn.
Glenn answered from the small entry to the back, "Yea, he makes all the shots."
"Not all-" I interrupted Daryl, "-yes all. At least enough to keep you Dixons in check."
Rick couldnt stop the shake of his head, "I like you already (Y/n). You're smart."
"Or stupid..."
We ignored Daryls comment, Rick continuing, "Okay... well," he looked over, "What's your story? Hell you've all heard mine." We all got quiet, our stories before the Walkers were touchy subjects. Not that Rick would know that yet. Glenn was the only one that answered, "I uh... met a group in my home town. We all holed up in a pharmacy, things didnt stay safe for long. Didnt help that I brought a few more people in..." I looked back to him as he finished, "Two families... or one and a half I guess. Kenny, Katja, and their son Duck. They were together with another man and a small girl. Clementine and Lee. Bringing those extra people almost got us killed but we made it out... most of us," he got quiet and looked away.

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