Chapter Six

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Hi guys, that's a picture of Sue ☝️

"My baby, ow my baby, I wouldn't have forgiven myself if anything had happened to you.Are you okay, are you fine, should I get you something? By the way how is your
going?"Lina said in between sobs.

"Mom I am fine. Absolutely fine. It's a pinkie promise."Sue said with a smile."

"Sue has recovered,her breathing is now accurate. I've made all accurate checks in her and she's doing very fine. She's just got to stay away from ice cream for now."The doctor said, winking at Sue.

He pulled Sue's mother out for a word and Sue turned to rest on her left side, replaying whatever went on between Meghan and her. She began to miss her best friend, having a mental image of how Meghan would've cursed herself for letting such an incident occur, for putting her best friend into such a situation and leaving an asthmatic patient all alone in a cold winter afternoon. She wished she had her close at that moment.


"Sue,Meghan wants to talk to you."Lina said slowly almost in a whisper to Sue who lay on her bed day dreaming.
Before Sue could say something,Meghan and her mom Elissa were by her bedside,Meg with a basket of fresh fruits and some treats and Elissa with a bouquet of rose flowers and a cute cherry paper with "recover soon".

"All for me?"Sue said with excitement.

"Of course my darling.All is yours."Elissa replied.

"Mom, could you please excuse us for a minute?"

Elissa who knew what her daughter meant, quietly made for the door as Lina who stood at the entrance closed the door behind them.

"Suzzy, I just came with these gifts to apolog..." 
"Meggie, it's absolutely fine on my side. There's no need to apologize.
I should rather be since I was the root of it all."Sue said cutting in and realizing it was the first time Meghan had called her by her full name.

"I just feel sorry you know, my wild kind of attitude led to all this.From leaving you in a cold winter afternoon, ignoring your plea, I just feel sorry. I should have controlled my emotions at that very moment."
"It's fine. All best  friends do fight.Its normal. Just that we've got to learn how to tolerate each other's views."
Sue blurted, receiving a 'get very well soon hug from Meg'.

Their mothers stood at the window, as though it were a tragic movie, wiping tears off  their eyes, they held hands. Proud of their girls.
Elissa was overwhelmed. She couldn't believe Meghan did it. She never ever thought her daughter would one day be soo humble to the extent of apologizing and accepting her mistakes.

"Meghan was never like that.She's changed soo suddenly.Maybe the space I give her is helping."

"Not really, it's just part of the stage she's in.You know adolescents would rather love to experience things themselves than to be told.Its just a matter of time."
Jack Myers;Meghan's father chipped in, after Elissa got home and informed him after he had returned from his job.

𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 everyone, chapter six is over. I do𝗻𝘁 really know whether I should keep Meghan in her wild behavior or make her change for a better one. Any ideas guys?

I promise to update chapter seven soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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