Chapter-1: Pilot.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"What a stunning performance it was!!" were the host's words through the speakers.

Apparently it was our fresher's party going on, different performances and speeches were happening.

This was the first occasion after I had decided to put on a niqab. So basically I was the odd one out here. Some would just give me a single weird glance and some would keep staring at me till I feel extremely awkward. But I was already prepared, I knew all the consequences which would come with this.

Our seniors were the main in-charge of this event. Two of them were hosting on the Dias and four to five of them were managing the other things off stage.

But a certain guy caught my attention. He had this thick yet silky black hair, a five 'o' clock shadow on his surprisingly sharp jawline and a perfect pair of eyes whose color was not much visible, probably due to the set of vintage glasses which he had put on.

He would clench his jaws every now and then while raking fingers through his hair. He had put on a black jacket with red piping on it. The jacket was unbuttoned and every time he would lift his hands, the black shirt would peep through.

And I was shamelessly checking him out!


I instantly did istaghfar for the act which I myself didn't know why I was doing.

I had done my best at lowering my gaze from the beginning of this year in this college, until now.

I cannot believe I even saw the color of the shirt he was wearing beneath his jacket.

Astaghfirullah again!

Throughout the whole event I tried my best to not look at his side.

"Tried" being the keyword.

Finally it was all over. My home was a five minutes walk away from the university. Returning back home was the most relaxing thing that happened in the whole day. Mama was in her room, giving her a quick Salam I made my way to my room.

Home is usually like this when I return back. My elder brother, Usman comes at nine in the night. Baba would be back in about an hour now. And then all of us together would have dinner and retire to bed.

This is my family, the most loving and caring parents and an annoying yet awesome big brother. Protective might I add.

I drift off to sleep with a certain black jacket guy's face on my mind.

Ya Allah, help me.


University was good, exams were not coming any sooner. But Mr.Cooper who was currently trying to explain mathematics was taking this more seriously than us.

A senior from the next class came in suddenly and started talking to Mr.Cooper, good that we got a break from his lecture.

"Miss. Maira Abdul Haseeb, who is it here?" he asks suddenly.

"It's me, sir."

"Mrs.Henley has asked for you. Go with her."

"Uh OK sir." I was surely blank about the whole thing.

I mentally go through all the things which would lead me to detention or any other trouble.

"Would you do me a favour Maira?" Mrs.Henley asks as soon as I entered her office.

"There's going to be a workshop this Saturday, would you be able to do a speech on that day?"

"Yeah sure. If you give me the required details." She didn't really give me a choice in asking a favour though, so there was no use of any further discussions.

There were two people whom I somewhat grown close to in this time here in university, Amina and Zainab. My two other best friends were in different places, Alina and Maryam. We have sleepovers in a month or two and fill the void of not being together all the time.

Now coming back to the class I told Amina and Zainab about the workshop and the speech I had to give.


"I am taking your laptop for tomorrow alright?" Well that's my brother obviously not asking if he could borrow my things.

"Anyway, how's college?" He asks.

"Alhamdulillah, great. How about you, am I getting a sister-in-law any sooner?" I ask, though I somewhat know the answer already.

"Shut up" He replies walking out of the door rolling his eyes.

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First chapter done!!!

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JazakAllahu khairan

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