Chapter-23: Doomed.

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"The distinguishing factor between kufr and Imaan is the deliberate neglect of Salaat."


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"Stop whining like a kid Adam" Maira says chuckling lightly through the phone and a soft smile makes its way on my face despite the remnants of the annoyance.

"You cannot expect me to be jovial when I come back home to see an empty house now, can you?" I huff, trying to make her understand that I'm upset even though I've calmed down a bit now.

"It's just a small day-out with mama, Adam, not a month or a year long trip to the another continent" she says a bit distractedly, laughing at something which probably mama said.

"And why was I not informed about this day-out earlier" I enquire.

"I left you a note" she says and I scoff, glancing down at the note that is still laying in my hand.

What are we in?The nineties?

"Okay, it was a sudden plan. I got back early from college and we thought why not?" She justifies.

"But on a second thought, you are actually obstructing our girl's day-out" she accuses playfully.

I roll my eyes "Yeah right, a two minute call definitely obstructs a day-out" I mock in the same tone.

She brushes me off with a whatever and declines the call.

What a fantastic evening!

I scowl down at that note in my hand and realise how beautiful her handwriting is.

This woman seems to get me to smile even when she is not here with me and when I'm slightly mad at her.

Now that she's here living with me and all of us, it seems truly unreal. I had always dreamt of having my own life with her and now when all of it is true, I cannot thank Allah enough for this beautiful blessing.

I intend to be her solace like how she is to me. It's literally like all my worries and tiredness of the day vanishes when I see her or hear her beautiful voice or even inhale her natural scent.

Now that I understand what type of love people would always talk about, I wish for everyone in the world to have it because the contentment it brings is surreal. Alhamdulillah.


"I wish for time travel to be true for situations like these" Maira pouts lowering the book on her stomach and looking up at me.

"And what was even the point of all the assignments and tests if they are anyway going to give us an exam" she continues as she makes her head comfortable on my lap.

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