Chapter-10: Internals

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"So you guys literally haven't seen each other since that day?" Mariam asks through the screen.

I just shrug.

"Did you at least get the slightest desire to see him?" Alina asks raising her eyebrows.

"Of course I got, I just didn't act upon it."

"So you are like dying to see him!!" she exclaims teasingly

"You completely rephrased my sentence" I say rolling my eyes.

"We know your inner thoughts even if you don't tell them out loud." Mariam teases

"When are you guys coming anyway?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Next month, most probably a couple of days prior to your nikah" Alina answers.

Yes! The nikah.

It's been a couple of days after that conversation I had with Adam. And both of our parents have decided to not delay a good thing and do the nikah in the coming month when we are having a holiday for a week. I would anyway move in with him after the official walima reception which would probably be after my graduation, so until then I would stay with mama and baba.

Baba said that it would be better if we have our nikah at the earliest, it would avoid any kind of haram stuff and we could easily attend college without any hesitation.

"Already started dreaming about your prince charming sweetheart?" Alina asks, grinning widely.

I cover my cheeks in an attempt of hiding the obvious blush that is being formed on them.

"Maira, coming down for dinner?" Usmaan asks through the slightly opened door.

"Yup! I'll be there in five, just having a chat with Mariam" I smirk.

"And Alina" I add after he narrows his eyes.

He goes back shutting my door quite loudly muttering something along the lines of 'delusional even now'.

"Why did you have to do that?" Mariam growls causing Alina to snicker audibly.

"Ma'salam, talk to you later guys" I say giggling and then hanging up.


"So are you really sure about this Adam guy?" Usmaan asks putting his seat belt on.

I raise my eyebrows at his unexpected question.

"What! I'm just making sure you're okay with everything which is happening" he elaborates himself.

" this some bro-sis chat which we're currently having while you're dropping me off to university?" I smile pleased with his 'protective brother' attitude.

"You know what, just forget that I asked anything at all" he says agitated.

I laugh causing him to deepen his scowl.

"Okay sorry, it's just that this side of yours is quite funny actually."

He takes a sharp turn showing his obvious annoyance.

Where the heart belongs..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن