Oral Fixation

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A/N: A direct continuation from the previous chapter/prompt


Zhou Zishu is a beautiful person.

Whenever he looked at this man, sometimes Wen Kexing could not help but wonder if there had been others who also yearn for him. Not for his strength or capabilities, not as a mere friend, but in the same way he felt towards this person. The love of his life was different from the meek beauties with delicate features like a woman, nor was he like the pretty, powdered young masters from certain "establishments" that the last Master of Ghost Valley used to frequent. Zhou Zishu is a man in every aspect, but a beautiful man nonetheless. No matter how long they had been together, no matter how many times he'd gazed upon that face, Wen Kexing could never have enough.

Within this chamber illuminated by the light of candles, a drunk Zhou Zishu laid defenseless in front of him; the final layer of his robe split open to reveal the pale complexion flushed in pink underneath. Though the scars from the seven nails had yet to disappear completely, his figure had regained its former shape and strength, no longer looking as skeletal as when they first met. This sight was even more intoxicating than any wine; despite his outward composure, Wen Kexing was grappling with his inner self whether to hold back or ignore all self restraint and jumped on this person at once.

But just as it was with liquor, the longer it was kept, the finer it would taste when opened later. For now, Wen Kexing decided to continue the act, to see how much further this beautiful drunkard was willing to play with him.

"How long are you going to stare?" not at all amused by the sudden stillness between them, Zhou Zishu started nagging at him, "Quickly clean up this mess you cause."

"Yes, yes. I'm coming, my dear," Wen Kexing chuckled softly.

He bent down on the table, hovering above his beloved who was watching him with half opened eyes. Zhou Zishu's pitch black pupils remained bright and undeterred by inebriation, watching his every move with disinterested face as if the entire situation did not concern him at all. Yet Wen Kexing did not mind this and carried on ahead. Softly, he kissed the side of Zhou Zishu's neck, giving it a gentle lick.

"...What are you doing?" the drunken one asked him.

"I thought you told me to wipe you clean, husband?"

"Yes. But why did you have to lick me? Are you a dog?"

"You wound me, A-Xu. I was only following your lead," Wen Kexing made a face that looked like a wife who was wronged, "Did you not give me a lick when the wine--I mean, water, spilled from my mouth?"

"I did not?"

"You did," the man in red gave a little poke to the corner of the other's lips, "Right here, you licked me there."

"Hmph," Zhou Zishu snorted at him, "Well, whatever. Continue."

"As you wish..."

Wen Kexing's voice was tender, but the sensation lingered in the air even after the whisper was already gone. Having received permission to resume the deed, he planted kisses after kisses on the pale surface of that neck, soon leaving multiple red marks, dark and vivid. From there, he shifted down little by little; his warm tongue lapping at the tiny pool of liquor between Zhou Zishu's distinct collar bones. Until this point, the latter did not seem to show any notable response, but his reaction changed immediately once Wen Kexing reached a bit lower down.

Across his torso that was glistening with half a jar's worth of wine, two identical buds perked up and the man in red purposely placed his kiss on one of them. As soon as contact was made, Zhou Zishu's breath hitched as he unconsciously pushed his chest up.

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