Animal Traits

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A/N: Another post-canon SHL. This chapter is NSFW and......basically just very self-indulging. xD


Immortality could either be a blessing or a curse, depending on how one would see it. But if there was anything certain, it was that this extremely long life was always prone to boredom. After all, there were just so many things one could do when bound to a single place built atop the peak of a mountain, where none but ice and frost were visible as far as the eyes could see.

Such was the case with these two masters, a pair of kindred spirits who attained permanence after spending more than half of their mortal life wandering the jianghu like a lost soul.

Zhou Zishu was the type of person who was good at finding entertainment for himself, and so was Wen Kexing. Especially when both of them were put together, they could play all day like children or scuffle from sunrise to sunset like some mindless ruffians. Yet today, for some reason, neither of the two found their usual squabbles interesting any longer. They could not leave the mountain, they could not freely eat and drink to their hearts' content like they did in the past. Other than interacting with each other, what else could they do to pass time?

After many hours of complete lack of enthusiasm, eventually they decided to scour every corner of this hidden shelter that was their abode, hoping to find something of interest before the stillness of the mountain drove them both mad. It was then that, among the piles of dusty books and scriptures, they discovered a mysterious ancient scroll—unknown who had written it in the past, or when it was written. Upon ensuring that there were no harmful methods or sacrifices involved in the scroll, the two immortals who had nothing better to do decided to put it into practice at once.

Quite an unwise decision, if one were to judge what they did with common sense. And indeed, the consequence was nothing less than a disaster. At least, that was the case for Zhou Zishu.

"Get off me, you insolent dog!"

"No," in a show of defiance, Wen Kexing held him closer, nuzzling into the back of his neck, "A-Xu, you smell really nice..."

Copulation was not something they weren't familiar with. After the first time passed, the second, the third, and the following acts wouldn't be as difficult, and Zhou Zishu himself had long come to terms with it. But to be pinned down to the floor and have his most private region being invaded by a dog in heat was not among the things he agreed to accept, even if the said "dog" was none other than the person he had sworn to spend the rest of his life with.

"Wen Kexing..." amidst his shallow, rapid breathing, Zhou Zishu managed to throw a glare over his shoulder, gritting his teeth, "If you don't stop now, I swear I'll never forgive you."

"A-Xu, why are you angry? Didn't we do the same thing just three days ago?"

The one hovering above him, unfortunately, did not fall for his threat. Instead, as if purposely riling him up, the pace in which Wen Kexing was pounding into him accelerated all of a sudden. Zhou Zishu unconsciously jerked his head back and let out a cry, an accidental response that overcame him with shame at once. This pleased the other man greatly and the atmosphere of his heart did not take long to be reflected in his action. Wrapping Zhou Zishu's slim waist in his big hands, Wen Kexing left not even the smallest room to escape while he continued to ravish him.

As he did so, a snow white tail behind him started wagging wildly and a pair of fur-covered ears of the same color—growing on his head through the locks of similarly white hair—were pulled back in excitement.

If they were to look back on this day in the future and tell others of it, surely it would sound like a far-fetched fairy tale. The ancient scroll they found seemed to speak of a traditional meditation method to rejuvenate one's body and it did not appear too difficult to attempt. Who knows what kind of slip up they did in the process? It might be a side effect, it might be a form of qi deviation. Regardless of what this truly was, by the time they came to it, an extra pair of ears and a tail had grown on Wen Kexing's body in addition to the original limbs he was born with. From the look of it, they were similar to the ears and tail of a wolf.

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