Part 22 || 3 years

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<time skip 3 years later>


Yeji: "Y/n are you done? We're gonna be late for dinner" She tiredly looked up at her bestfriend and sighed.

Y/N: "just give me like 5mins I just have to print this proposal then I can go" she nodded

Yeji: "alright I'll meet you at the restaurant tonight?" It was y/n's turn to nod and she leaned back on her chair while stretching hearing some bones crack. She printed the proposal that was needed and left it on her desk. She lazily packed her stuff just wanting to lie down.


Why does Jake even want us to go to this dinner so badly? There's nothing special happening today. I wanted to say I couldn't make it but he said the four of us had to go since it was 'extremely super very important'. I took the elevator down and suddenly thinking of my feet. My heels hurt... when I looked down on my shoes a few seconds later the elevator door opened and I saw a man who seems to be waiting for someone outside the glass doors.

Sunghoon's POV

I tapped my shoes on the ground impatiently waiting for her to come down. I held an umbrella over my head while holding flowers on the same hand. I heard the glass door open and I turned around with the biggest smile.

Sunghoon: "babe! I missed you!" I kissed her on both sides of her cheek causing her to laugh. We went under the roof to talk.

Y/N: "babe what are you doing here?"

Sunghoon: "I didn't see you the whole day and I just missed you" I handed her a bouquet of tulips. Her favorite flowers

Y/N: "Hoon! This must've been so expensive! This is too much" They were but I didn't really bother

Sunghoon: "nothings too much when it comes to you" I gave her a long kiss on her forehead and made a sound when I pulled apart.

Y/N: "I'll just dress up then let's head to the restaurant?" I nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulder

Sunghoon: "the cars just right there. Ready to run?" She smiled and looked forward

Y/N: "ready!" I chuckled and counted down starting from 3. While running we both got slightly wet but we were laughing the whole time.


While driving home y/n started the conversation.

Y/N: "what restaurant are we going to?"

Sunghoon: "we're going to ******" she widened her eyes and faced me

Y/N: "HUH? Are you serious?" I chuckled. It was a very fancy restaurant. Cheapest food there is probably about $20 and a regular coke can cost you $8 a glass. "Why there? Did Jake choose that place"

Sunghoon: "apparently" she sighed "hey at least I get to see you all prettied up. Not like you aren't pretty everyday" she gave me a look which cause me to chuckle. I drove with my left hand on the wheel while holding her hand on my right

Y/N: "stop being such a flirt" I gave her that mischievous look

Sunghoon: "oh but you like it" she blushed and looked away. While holding her hand, I played with the tips of her long slim fingers. "Are you cold? Your hands are freezing" I was about to lower the ac but she stopped me

Y/N: "it's ok, at least I get to feel warm while holding your hand" I nodded and intertwined our fingers. I rested my elbow on the square container between us and lifted our hands so I could kiss her knuckles

Sunghoon: "love you n/n"

Y/N: "love you too Hoon"


Y/N: "sorry we're late" She tiredly sat down beside Yeji while Sunghoon sat beside Jake.

Jake: "traffic?"

Sunghoon: "yeah and it was hard not getting wet going in and out of the car" they all chuckled. The four of them were slightly dressed up. Imagine a semi formal event but more on the formal side. Like if you went in wearing jeans, you'd be standing out. Girls usually wear long and/or short dresses while the men wore suits or polos. The four of them talked like usual finally able to catch up with one another.

Yeji: "how is it that we're all working in the same building just 1 floor apart yet we never see each other"

Sunghoon: "sucks for you I always see y/n" he teased his twin. Y/n elbowed him which caused Jake to laugh

Jake: "that's cause you always go to her everytime you're free" Yeji felt at peace and happy when he heard that. She didn't know her brother went to y/n during his free time. Throughout the years she noticed Sunghoon change little by little. In the house, he would be singing to himself and when she would ask what it was he would say it was y/n's LSS. She noticed how her brother listened to everything she listened to, watch everything she recommended, eat whatever she liked and did whatever she asked him too. Which was very unlike him. The snobbish brother she used to have was gone.

<time skip>

The four of them finished eating and Jake rubbed his hands on his lap nervously. He started to sweat but controlled himself by breathing steadily. This is it. He glanced at a waiter and nodded while giving a nod back as a sign of acknowledgement. The lights went out and you could hear customers panic.

Yeji: "hey what's going on?"

Sunghoon: "you guys alright? Hey! Someone turn the lights back on!" You could hear guests talk among themselves until the lights came back on and Jake was gone from his seat

Yeji: "hey wait Jake-" she suddenly stopped feeling her heart beat a million miles an hour

Jake: "Park Yeji..." y/n instantly covered her mouth in shock while the other guests gasped under delight. "I think you know what I'm gonna ask" he chuckled holding a red velvet box while kneeling on the ground. Yeji covered her mouth and cried. "I love you Yeji... and I have for the past 6 years... will you allow me to continue to love you until we're grey and old?" Yeji didn't respond but just cried. Y/n held Sunghoon's arm as he watched both of them in silence. No feelings whatsoever. "Yeji will you marry me?"

Yeji: "oh my god, is that even a question?! Of course I'll marry you!" Jake stood up and pulled Yeji into a kiss. Everyone in the restaurant cheered and y/n clapped her hands while tears were streaming down her face happy for her bestfriend.

Sunghoon watched as everyone congratulated and celebrated for them but he just felt numb. He can't remember a time he felt ehat he was feeling now since 3 years ago. Back when his plan to marry her for the money started. He clenched his fists and put on a fake smile. What am I gonna do...

Money or Love? (SunghoonXreader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt