'Please, do something. They could possibly die.'

My legs began to budge. Suddenly I felt the blood rush. The adrenaline. 

I ran. 

I fell on my knees beside them. They were still bleeding. I turned them to face me and looked. Who were they?

My face grew pale. My hands got red.

This... this is... Daniel.

My first instinct was to look up. How did this happen? How could he have fallen from a building that tall?

I saw two hands.
And a face.

'Now's not the time for that. Dial 911, NOW!'

I took out my phone. And dialed 911. And they picked up.


"Hello... I..."

I looked back up.

'No, talk to them. They need to send the ambulance or they'll be in danger. Talk to them.'

Only no sound came out.

I tried to steady my breath and stop freaking out. If only it was that easy!

"Hello... my friend...s... fell... building... ambulance"

'Make sense! Tell them the address.'

"Please... quickly... we are at..."

I looked around, where were we at? I don't think I can remember.

A few cars stopped in front of us. I jumped up and went to one of them.

"Excuse me... address... ambulance needs address... tell... my friends fell"

Someone took the phone from my hands. It was covered in blood too. 

I ran back. Daniel and James were unconscious. 

They're still breathing. They're still alive. 

They'll be fine, right? Surely they won't die? 

They fell from the... which floor? I don't know.

I looked up once again. There's no one there now. 

'Why isn't the ambulance here yet?' I checked their breathing again. It's faint, but it's there.

But why do I feel a lack of oxygen?

'It's not them, it's me. I'm the one out of breath, am I not?'

'Breathe, Kyra. Don't panic.

Stop trembling.

It's okay, the ambulance is coming. Don't cause them any additional trouble from your side.

Calm down.'

'How can I calm down?

They fell from the top of a freaking building!

They actually fell and hit their head. They're bleeding.'

'And breathing.

I know it's hard, but get a grip on yourself. You can't be losing your senses right now.'

'I know, okay? I know that's right...'


'...I'll try...'

Oh my god, I want to cry. But I can't. Why am I not crying?
Am I in that much shock? 

Is this what shock feels like? Must be.

I checked their breathing for the third time. 

'Do I know how to give CPR?'

'I can't remember.
I think Kyle taught me something.
Or did he? Was that real?

Is any of this real? Is this another of those nightmares?'

But the blood staining my body, the warmth of it, and the sudden sirens I could hear from the distance, they were all too real for a dream.

'They're finally here...'

In front of me, a few meters away, I saw him coming out of the building.

"That really was you wasn't it?" I muttered. 

First time writing shock, and I'm crying y'all...

I could feel the shock, imagining myself in Kyra's position but I didn't  know how or if I can put that down into words.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading as always...

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