
Start from the beginning

The lights were dim, but Si Cheng could make out who the new people were. Apparently, Kun recognized them too. "Doyoung, Taeyong!" Hopping off the table, Kun walked over to say hi, Si Cheng joining shortly after.

"Si Cheng didn't know you were coming." Taeyong smiled at him, pinching him in the cheeks. "Everyone says that." Si Cheng replied, rubbing his cheek. Kun was about to ask where their boyfriends were, as they were rarely seen separated, but Taeyong seemed to have already known what he was going to ask. "Taeil and Jaehyun are coming soon. They went to get something from the car." Taeyong informed, jerking his thumb in the way of the main door.

"We're going to play some fun games. Want to join?" Doyoung asked. Kun shrugged while Si Cheng shook his head, not really in the mood. He was contemplating on leaving the party right then and there, just wanting to fall face-first on his bed and sleep forever.

"We're here, look who we found." Someone pulled open the door with an extremely extra amount of force, shuffling into the room. Doyoung had immediately latched onto his small boyfriend, hugging him tightly. Si Cheng felt like vomiting at the sight. Seems like he was the only single person here.

Kun had Ten(currently still dancing in the living room), Doyoung had Taeil and Taeyong had Jaehyun. Si Cheng?  He had his bed and an empty can of Pepsi. Life is going great!

"Yuta!" Taeyong shouted, hitting his knee on a chair at the same time. 

Si Cheng peered at the third person entering the tight room. Nakamoto Yuta, the only other person Si Cheng knew that was still single. The two smiled at each other before Si Cheng was pulled into another room forcefully by Kun, Yuta following slowly behind him.

"Let's play truth or dare," Doyoung suggested, pulling Taeil onto his lap. "No, let's play never have I ever." Taeyong countered. The two started fighting again, with Kun in the middle trying to break them up. Si Cheng took a seat next to Yuta, watching the scene unfold in front of him.

"They're very childish aren't they?" Yuta laughed, nudging Si Cheng with his elbow. "Yeah, they act like 5-year-olds." Si Cheng beamed, leaning his head on Yuta's shoulder. Yuta flinched at the contact but soon relaxed, running his hand through Si Cheng's black hair.

They were in their own world, not noticing that the fight had ended, and they had finally decided to play 7 minutes in heaven.

"Aww, so cute." Taeil cooed, drawing attention to the two males sitting on the ground. "We need to lock them in a room tonight," Taeyong stated, grabbing an empty bottle from nearby. Yuta awkwardly laughed, not really liking where this was going.

And the rest of the night consists of the five boys trying their best to get the bottle land on Si Cheng and Yuta, almost ruining their friendship in the process. But it was like God was protecting Yuta and Si Cheng because it never did land on the two of them. It did land once on Si Cheng once, and he was forced into the cupboard with Taeil. They didn't do much though and Si Cheng was evidently happy when 7 minutes finally ended.

Doyoung seemed please too when they came out, immediately checking Taeil for any hickeys while glaring at Si Cheng.

Kun left at around 2 am, saying he had to bring Ten home. Taeyong and Jaehyun were making out in the corner of the room, shamelessly roaming their hands under each other's shirts. Doyoung and Taeil had left long ago, Doyoung getting grumpy when Taeil came out of the cupboard with Taeyong and a fresh hickey on his neck.

Si Cheng and Yuta were enjoying themselves too, not sexually of course. The two single friends were playing a mobile game together, Yuta's head laying on Si Cheng's lap.

By three in the morning, they both decided to leave and Yuta had offered to send Si Cheng home, to which Si Cheng gladly agreed, getting into the car with Yuta. The party was still going strong then, Taeyong and Jaehyun probably doing the dirty in the room they had just left.

Si Cheng had kissed Yuta on the cheek when they reached his house, making both of them blush before Si Cheng had hurriedly exited the car, running all the way back to his room.

Overall, Si Cheng had fun, and he might just consider going to the next party held. 

Of course, as long as Yuta was going to.


I think my writing skills are 📉📉

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I think my writing skills are 📉📉


𝗞𝗽𝗼𝗽 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀 (𝗯𝘅𝗯)Where stories live. Discover now