Sara eyes the giant husky hanging at the stall as a prize and whispers.

"I'm gonna win you"

Darshan chuckles at her determination and she starts the game. Every time she baskets she jumps in enthusiasm and looks at him while he cheers her up. But sadly she baskets 5 times out of 8 and she wins a giraffe quite smaller than the first prize.

When Darshan starts playing she shows equal enthusiasm every time he scores, making him grin. When he actually wins the game, she jumps and hugs him in happiness, forgetting how awkward it could get. She wraps her small arms around his torso and he reciprocates her action as the sweet scent enters his nostrils. She snuggles to his chest and looks at him through her lashes, her cheeks turning red.

"Sorry! You won! Congratulations!!"

He ruffles her hair affectionately and picks up the prize and hands it over to her. She looks at the husky wide-eyed and then at Darshan's face.

"This is getting really cliche rom-com moment!"

*laughs* "Well, after your comment it isn't."

"Good! I like being different."

She accepts the husky and exchanges it for a giraffe.

"You know I'm a grown-up man! What am I gonna do with a stuffie?"

"I don't know...hump...maybe"

*coughs and blushes*

"Like what do you do when someone gifts you something? Accept and treasure it! Doesn't matter whether it's useful to you or not... Grown-up man it seems, I have to teach him such basic things..."
*shakes her head and starts talking to the husky*


They walk around playing several games and eating food. Now Sara starts feeling tired carrying around the large husky everywhere. Darshan did offer to carry it like a gentleman but she declined it saying she was an independent woman. She kinda regrets saying that now, it's all over her face and Darshan knows it but it's fun pulling her leg.

"Can we go to that Chinese stall pleaseeeeee"

Darshan looks at the Chinese stall, it has a nice set up with a place to sit. They have been walking for so long, it did be nice to give their legs some rest. He nods and they sit on the wooden chairs.

The chef guy greets them and takes their order. Sara watches the chef in fascination as he puts the flame on the pan, he touches the flame and winces a little, making Sara immediately question.

"You alright? You need anything?"

The guy smiles and replies, "yes! Your number." All the people around hoot and chuckle while darshan frowns, Sara's cheeks have turned pink due to so much unwanted attention.

"She doesn't have a phone!" Darshan replies in jealousy, making Sara smirk and remove her phone from her pocket.

"She is taken!" Before she could disagree he lifts her and all the other things; walks out of the stall.

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