23 I Love You?

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Darshan / Sara

Sara took his hand and pulled him with her as she ran around different stalls getting excited like a baby. He watched her with amusement.

"Soya chap!!!" *excitedly*

"We just arrived, you sure wanna start eating from now?"

"It's a food fest for a reason dumbo! We can eat, then walk around and digest food, and then eat all over again."

*chuckles* "I'm gonna gain a hell of a lot of weight staying with you."

"I know a way you could lose that weight..." *mumbles*

*blush* "uhm what--?"

"Nothing... I miss phone calls... Real-life makes my jokes awkward."

"Sure does" *mumbles*

They awkwardly make their way towards the food stall and order themselves food. Darshan's phone pings...

Bitch!!! She was kinda insecure about her looks when she saw us. Don't make her feel like that. Be nice.

Why would she be insecure?? She looks great!

It was just out of nervousness.

Be like a gentleman it's your first date with her. Remember to take permission before *cough and giggle*

Dude, first it's not a date, you betrayed me!!

I think Sara knows it's a date. You are just way too dumb.

Second, We both are quite shy about sex so it's so not happening anytime soon.

Well, your ex-girlfriends would say otherwise about you being shy!!

Well, they were my girlfriend!!!! I just met Sara!!!! I don't want her running to the hills.
Now that I'm on a date, texting someone else is being rude to my date. So I'm gonna go!

He shuts his phone and looks in Sara's direction, unable to find her. He questions the stall guy and he says she walked towards the ice cream shop because he was too busy.

Great! So I managed to piss her off on our first date! Great! Love Guru, right?


He finds Sara sitting with two kids and eating her ice cream having some kind of race. They giggle and smile and finish their ice creams, as she pays for it.

"Sorry" *pouts and whispers*

Sara rolls her eyes and starts walking while he stands there watching her. She turns around and sighs, pulling him with her making him smile in victory.

They walk around the games area.

"Can we try that??"
He points towards the mini basketball game and she grins and runs to buy tickets, making him run too.
He'll never get fat if she's gonna make him run like this.

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