Chapter 11: Inside Of My Heart

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Chapter 11: Inside Of My Heart

I got myself all mixed up altogether when the door in our living room just made a noise. Lorie was just on her phone scrolling, and probably talking to her cool friends. She was sitting on our sofa and I was sitting in there too. But once that I heard the door making a little noise, I took a step forward away from the sofa where I came from to open the door.

"Harold????" In a surprised tone of voice, I saw Harold in front of me and I realized that he was the one who was knocking on our door. I tried my best to lower my voice so Lorie won't hear me. I saw a bouquet of red flowers from his hand and I shook my head sidewards and I asked him again one more time. "What are you doing here?!?" I asked with the so-called 'irritatingly asking' type of weird voice. He looked at me and said, "is Lorie in there?"

"No! She's not here" I just don't want Lorie to see him. I hated the idea of it. I mean the guy that broke her heart just two weeks ago? No way! "Oh, ok," he said hopelessly as he looks down at the flowers that he is holding. After the second that he looked at it, he finally walked away and started driving away.

"Who was that?" Lorie asked me as my heart jumped because of her loud voice. But honestly, she was just on her phone. "Nah! He just knocked on the wrong door!" I said as I gave her a small curved lip. She nodded her head and kept on scrolling on her phone and I took her to go back to the sofa.

I just stared at the TV in front of us as I look at Lorie. "Why are you looking at me?" She asked. But I didn't know what to say. I looked away and I said, "Nah, nothing" but the real thing is that I wanted to ask her what will she do if Harold comes over. Just like what happened.

"Ok, so what would you do if Harold comes over?" I said seriously because I just really can't help myself. "Ummm... why would he do that? Was done." She said but she didn't even look at me because she's just staring at her phone as always. "That's why I said if" finally, she stopped staring at her phone as she looks at me with a serious face. It was the same as my expression. The same as mine. "Let him in?" She said with an unsure voice. Well, an answer became a question from a question.

"Ok," I said while thinking if that's what she will refer to, I looked at her again as she comes back to what she was doing before, staring and scrolling at her phone. "Why?" I asked again because I was just curious.

"Because there's no reason to avoid him," she said rapidly with no even emotion. But honestly, I don't get it. I don't know what she means. Like, what? My eyebrows met each other as my eyes kept on being stared at Lorie who's currently on her phone. "What? I mean what do you mean?" Finally, she placed her phone beside her for a while but she did not turn it off. That just means that she will come back on scrolling. "I mean, what's the point of avoiding him? Why should I walk away? We're done, right? So I should not walk away. Why should I be scared? I should not. Because it's over. If ever he's going to apologize, then, apology accepted. I have already cleared my thought so don't make me think about him again. Please just stop" she said sarcastically and she took a sip from a cup of milk tea beside her and she continued scrolling on her phone as my brain kept on thinking all about what she just said.

I think she's right, there's no sense if she will just avoid him. So I should not have made Harold walk away. Like what I just did. Darn it! It was all wrong. But what can I do right now? He already walked away. Hence, I did what I had to even though that it's wrong, but never mind! That happened. It's already over.


I stopped driving when I saw two kids playing together. One boy is dressed up with make-up by a girl, and a girl is dressed up with jeans by a boy. They're probably in the age of five or something younger or older than that. But I'm just really jealous about it. I remember back when Andrew and I used to be kids, we always had played girly games in my choice, because we had a policy

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