Chapter 44

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For the first time in a long time, Ye Shu finally felt the presence of this brat.

He rested his palm on his lower abdomen, unconsciously holding his breath.

As if feeling his father's movements, the little brat inside him moved again. The impact was quite mild, like a kitten's paw clawing at Ye Shu's palm through his tummy. The movement didn't discomfort Ye Shu, rather it gave him a sense of novelty.

Ye Shu's voice trembled with surprise, "He, he, he——he really moved!"

Jin Wang was equally as surprised.

Ye Shu was almost four months pregnant and was already starting to show visible signs of being pregnant. It was only the thick winter clothes that made it hard to see, but if he changed to lighter summer clothes, one would clearly see a curve to his originally flat stomach.

Jin Wang reached out to place his hand there with a very gentle touch, as though he was afraid of disturbing it.

Yet there was not even the slightest movement.

Ye Shu frowned. "Move ya, didn't you just move?"

Still no movement.

The two stalled for a moment before Ye Shu looked up to Jin Wang and said seriously, "He's afraid of you."

"......" Jin Wang, at a loss whether to laugh or to cry, "Am I that terrible?"

Ye Shu nodded. "Yes."

Jin Wang, "......"

"Fine," Jin Wang said. "Go to sleep, it's getting pretty late."

Ye Shu was still a little reluctant.

However, no matter how he coaxed or threatened the little brat in his womb, even getting up from the bed several times to walk around, he no longer made any movements. Ye Shu got so tired and sleepy from all that walking that he had to give up for the time being.

Jin Wang lay down with his arm around Ye Shu, who soon made no sound.

Perhaps because he had worries on his mind, Ye Shu did not sleep well that night, his brows furrowed as he turned over in Jin Wang's arms every now and then. Jin Wang was worried that he might put too much weight on his stomach, so he clasped his waist and pressed him into his embrace.

With his back against Jin Wang, Ye Shu gradually stopped moving under the other party's appeasement.

Jin Wang's hand naturally fell on Ye Shu's abdomen.

Ye Shu had a slender waist. Even though he was now in the early stages of pregnancy, it was not all that evident. Jin Wang placed his palm on Ye Shu's abdomen and gently caressed it.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt a slight movement beneath the skin under his palm.

Jin Wang's eyes opened in shock.

It was an indescribably wonderful feeling. He clearly felt a vivid, tiny life under his palm, one that was slowly starting to grow.

And this little life was his and Ye Shu's flesh and blood.

Jin Wang couldn't help but feel the bulging belly again. The little brat inside seemed to be completely awake this time, moving around in Ye Shu's womb, extremely restless.

"Umm......" Ye Shu seemed to be somewhat disturbed as he frowned and whimpered.

Jin Wang reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't move around now, sleep."

As if Jin Wang's intimidation had had its effect, the movement under his palm soon stopped.

......Is Gu really that terrible?

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