"Happy now?" I ask, sitting down in the passenger's seat."

He stares at me for a moment. His mouth opens as if he is about to say something but it closes back and he starts the car.

"You clean up nice, Ambrose." He says, facing the road as he begins to drive.

"Thank you." I take in his clothing and frown. "Why don't I get to wear a tee shirt and pants but you do?"

"I'm not. We need to stop at my house first. I'll change. Look for a few things and we'll go to my casino opening."


On the way to his house it is absolute silence. Only the sound of the passing cars can be heard and the occasional honks. I don't mind it though. It gives me time to think and prepare myself for tonight.

We soon reach a big house and I assume it is his. His house is in a small little neighborhood and  away from everything. There are no kids' bikes parked on the sidewalk. No arguing neighbors across the street. It's peaceful.

"Wow." I say, mouth agape as we get out of the car and walk to his front door. He unlocks the door and opens the door for me.

My mouth stays agape as I step inside. On the side of me is a set of gray stairs and on the other side is what looks like his living room. Picture frames all over the wall. Some of a baby, who looks to be at least less than a year. She looks almost identical as him. Same dark golden brown hair. Same grey eyes. And even the same small little birthmark on her cheek.

Must be his sister.

Looking around I see other pictures of him and a group of other people who must be his family. I smile as I see a picture of him and what I assume is his mother hugging.

They look so happy. I think to myself.

I've never got to have that. And it was all I really wanted. I just wanted a family that cared. I wanted to be able to sit down at Thanksgiving and listen to everyone talk. Or just even have a nice family dinner.

I follow Dante up the steps and into his room. He quickly goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. I don't know what to do so I just sit on his bed. He has a soft black blanket. The kind that makes you instantly want to go to sleep just by touching them.

Curiosity gets the best out of me and I lay back on the blanket.

Just trying it out, Diana. Nothing else.

Running my hand over the blanket, I begin to get comfortable as I lay on the bed.

Oh my God, it's so freaking soft!

I start to move up on the bed. Soon I am laying  on my stomach as my hands roam around on the blanket. And just as my eyes begin to close the bathroom door springs open and I immediately sit up.

"What the fuck are you doing?"  Dante asks. I realize that it looks like I was doing something else as my hair is out of place, my dress is slightly twisted and the blanket is fiddled with.

"No, no, no! I was not doing what you think I was doing."

He looks at me and back at the bed. Then he looks at me again, then the bed again before speaking, "Right."

He walks away and I follow him. I then notice he has changed into a black suit. A red rose sitting in the front pocket. I also noticed the multiple silver rings on his fingers and a necklace on his neck. It had a small picture frame hanging on it but I wasn't close enough to make out what it was. And as much as I hated to admit it, he looked damned good.

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