Ohm was delighted when he understood what his father was implying to. He nodded in response and then left the cabin with a cheerful smile knowing that he would get some time to spend with Fluke. The father made a call to Ae and informed him that he had asked Fluke to accompany Ohm for the meeting. Ae was a bit confused and wanted to clear things with his father but when his father told him that Nahm was doing some work in the office, he kept quiet.

Fluke got everything ready and waited for Ohm at the receptionist. Ohm quickly rushed out of his office and soon got into the elevator as he punched the button to ground floor. When the doors opened, he saw Fluke standing at the receptionist's desk and was overjoyed. But he knew that he cannot be obvious so he tried to hide everything and put on a business look trying to pretend that it was purely business meeting and nothing else.

Ohm greeted Fluke and then both of them walked out of the main door headed towards the car. Ohm swiftly walked forward holding the car's door open for Fluke. The little boy looked up, a bit stunned, but he managed to compose himself and then got inside the car. Ohm smiled to himself internally and then closed the door. He rushed towards the driver side and occupied the seat. He started the engine and soon drove out of the parking lot.

The ride to the other company was silent for a while till Ohm decided to break the silence. He had been dying to do so from long. "Fluke, how are you?" Ohm inquired. "Fine" was the short reply he got from the other person. This was more then not getting any response.

Ohm tried to keep the conversation going, "Ummm... I hope you are not having much trouble with work. In case Nahm keeps piling work on you then please inform me." Ohm said. "Hmmm." Fluke replied. Ohm knew that fluke wasn't going to open up that easily so he thought that this was the chance to finally talk out everything he couldn't speak few years back.

He parked his car to the roadside and turned his head towards Fluke concentrating on him. "Fluke, I need to talk to you." He said in a firm tone. "I don't wanna talk to you about anything." Fluke said and turned around trying to open the door to get out of the car.

Ohm grabbed his wrist and pinned him on the seat while he hovered over him. "Fluke!! I said listen to me!" Ohm spoke frustrated. The little boy could see that there was no way out unless he let's Ohm speak. He stayed silent for a while looking at the person who had been once, an important part of his life, who held his heart before it was brutally broken.

"Fluke, I am sorry." Ohm finally said calming down. His gaze turning soft as he continued to stare at Fluke. "What are you sorry for Ohm? Sorry that you won the bet? Or sorry for messaging me that everything is over?" Fluke asked without emotions.

"Bet? Message? What are you talking Fluke?" Ohm asked confused. "Wasn't it a bet that you were going to hook me up and dump me? Do I need to remind you the message you sent me that night stating that everything was a bet and you don't have to do anything with me? Whatever you did was a drama and everything between us was fake? You may forget Ohm but I cannot. It wasn't a drama for me. And those posters....... they took away my soul. You killed me Ohm." Fluke finally let out everything.

Ohm was left speechless when Fluke accused him for the things he never ever did. "Fluke, I never sent you any message that night. When I came to know what happened, I rushed towards your apartment trying to find you. Do you think that I will go this far for a bet? Can't you see in my eyes that I have feelings for you and will never try to hurt you?" Ohm stated.

"Fluke, it's always been you whom I loved. Ever since the first time I saw you. I don't know why things went the other way but I promise that I am going to find out whoever was responsible for everything and make that person pay. No one can get away by hurting someone I love." Ohm said as he released Fluke's hand from his firm grip.

He brought his hand up and gently caressed Fluke's cheeks as tears rolled down his eyes. It had been years and still he couldn't forget the touch. Fluke looked at Ohm and he could clearly see that he was hurting from inside.

He wanted to believe each and every word that Ohm had spoken but after going through so much of pain, his heart was not ready to accept. Still he tried to muster up his courage and asked, "If it wasn't you, then why did you say sorry?"

Ohm looked at him as he heard the soft voice and replied, "Because I had promised to protect you and I failed to do it. I should have been careful but it was because of me that you were made to suffer. How can I not apologize for a single mistake of mine that might hurt you? Fluke, even now, I want to make things right. Please, give me a chance. And if you still feel that I am not good enough, you can dump me."

Fluke thought for a while trying to think about what to do. He knew that he still loved Ohm even after everything that had happened. His heart would still beat the same way when he would look at Ohm like the way it did few years back.

"Okay...." Fluke replied after sometime and Ohm froze in place. "Y-You mean, you are giving one more chance?" Ohm inquired again trying to know that this is really happening. "Yes." Fluke replied. "You are...... not going to avoid me. Right?" Ohm tried to confirm.

"If you ask me another question, I'll think the other way round." Fluke replied a bit annoyed. Ohm smiled and leaned forward inching closer to the little boy. He could feel the hot breathe on his face as he closed the distance between them. He closed his eyes as he came closer to the lips. But then he felt something on his lips and opened his eyes to see that Fluke had placed a finger over his lips stopping him from kissing.

"I said I am giving you a chance. So you better utilize it in a proper way. And you are not getting anything till you prove yourself to me." Fluke pressed. Ohm was a bit disappointed but still he could let it go since Fluke had at least given him a chance. It was more than enough for him.

He returned to his seat and started the engine as he headed towards the venue of meeting. His confidence was boosted and he was ready to tackle each and every problem. At least, he could now sleep peacefully after having finally spoken to the little boy.

Fluke on the other hand was still contemplating whether his decision of giving Ohm another chance was right or wrong. He wanted to know the truth desperately but also, he wanted to trust Ohm. It would be disaster if the truth comes out the other way round and he had to regret over his decision. But heart will always be a traitor and would take decisions without thinking like it just did.

He let the worries slid and concentrated on the meeting ahead. He was supposed to assist Ohm and he was going to do his best. He peeked at Ohm through the mirror and he could see a smile playing on his lips. It was the first time that Fluke could see that smile after he had come across Ohm few days back.

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