Chapter 12 - One of them

Start from the beginning

You wanted to say something, but you didnt. You knew he was right. Nobody really liked the cakes.

"Is that really the only way?" You finally ask, not really sure what else woukdnt be offensive.

He shook his head, "No, but I feel Im too weak to do anything on my own. I dont agree with everything Dark Enchantress says or does but, I do want a world where the cakes can flourish."

He made a good point, you had to agree. They didnt really get a fair hand in life. Or for him a fair arm...

"No matter, once Dark Enchantress finishes her prep, she'll take over the lands. She promised fair treatment, and thus we'll get to exist without fear." He spoke, like it was a speech.

"No offence to you" he said a little quieter, patting you onnthe shoulder.

"None taken, Im still going to do everything I can to stop you guys but... I hope someday you'll get what you want." You smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Sir, its almost night, shall I board the training cakes at the camp?" A cake said from the door way. Damn, it was already time to go to sleep.

You quickly got up and began to shoosh the cakes into their beds. Red Velvet went to deal with the army.

Once they were all tucked in, and asleep, it went quiet, you could only hear your own breathing. Quiet was bad, it made you think more than you'd like.

You've had many chances to escape and yet you didnt. Maybe you wouldnt have gotten far before getting shot back down but, it was worth trying, was it not?

And yet you didnt.

You felt drawn to this place, as sickening as it was. Not your purpose but, something like, you were meant to be there. Were you?

Or maybe thats why the dreams came back.

You just heard crying, and once again was there was that being. It emitted a crying sound, it sounded more childlike than before. It never said anything, and you simple stared at it crying for what felt like hours, until you woke up. You'd always wake up cold, no matter how many blankets you had.

You started keeping track of what time you'd wake up, it was way too early.




All at 4 something. That was odd.

It was like your personal alarm, if onoy there was a way to set it at a later time so you could sleep more.

You had shut the door to the nursery, to keep the cakes in and anyone out. Wandering down the hallway, headed to your room. The small cake that followed you around laid in your bed, next to Red Velvets cake dog. Not sure why he was here..

You locked the door behind yourself, and then laid down next to the two, pulling a blanket over yourself. It was freezing. You shivered as you stared out the window, trying to distract yourself from the cold.

The window had bars over it, but you could see out, and outside the stars and the moon were bright. Brighter than normal. The outside fauna was illuminated by the moonlight, it made you wish you could be out there.

You felt another shiver, well, be out there with something warmer on.

You pulled the two closer to you, trying to create some warmth, and close your eyes.

° ° ° ° °

Great, this again.

The red light was just sobbing. This was so boring, wasnt there a way to sleep without dreaming?

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