Chapter 1 - Icecream

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Lia tuts to herself as the cool wind blows her hair into her face, almost landing in her cone of strawberry ice-cream.

"I told you it was going to be windy today." Madison says as she holds out her own ice-cream for her friend to take before swiftly taking a hairband from her wrist and moving behind Lia to tie her thick, dark hair back.

Lia grumbles, handing the cold treat back to her tall friend once her hair is safely away from interfering with her snacking as they continue through the courtyard to get to the carpark. It's an activity day at Madison's university, and since Lia had the day off work, the two girls decided to head down to spend a day in the sun, enjoying the sweets and cute knickknacks the university offered to students.

"Is Brandy going to meet us here?"

Maddy shrugs, bouncing at she walks, eyes darting from stall to stall as they walk. Brandon was probably asleep; he didn't come home 'til late last night after staying back to help close the shop. He worked in retail, often the go to man to unpack large boxes from the trucks into the shop's back room.

"Nah, I reckon he forgot. If he was going to come, he would have been here already."

Lia hums, stopping briefly at a stall to touch the soft fabric of some of the homemade scarves before scooting back to Maddy's side, licking a drip of her melting ice cream before it lands on her hand.

"Did you want to buy anything?"

Maddy shakes her head. "No, I'm happy to head home now actually. We've walked the length of the courtyard and I'm getting hungry for lunch."

"You don't want to get some here?" Lia was surprised.

Usually, Maddy loved days out at her university, she would practically bounce off the walls and buy something from every stall available to her. The place had many wide-open courtyards filled with green grass and tall trees that shaded the paths. There were always little markets going on, particularly towards the beginning and end of the year. By the end of the day, Maddy would have done laps, her arms filled with paper bags overflowing with handmade art, earrings, scrunchies, and the occasional succulent that would die within the next eight months.

"Nah," Maddy huffs. "I kind of wanted Brandon to come and since he's at home we might as well join him."

Lia sighs, disappointed that her friend was only leaving because she felt obligated to go home to their other roommate, Brandon. She could be so easily swayed by others around her. 

Lia agrees anyway, linking their arms as they head down to the car. It doesn't take long to walk down the many flights of stairs to the cement carpark littered with student cars. Their car is a bit on the old side, its green paint peeling off of the side mirrors and the side doors speckled in dents.

"So," Maddy smacks her lips. "What's for lunch?"

Lia can only laugh at her friend as they both take their seats, the soft smell of strawberries from the hanging scent tree filling their senses.

"Is that why you want to go home early? So that I can cook you food?"

Maddy giggles to herself, pouting playfully as they pull out of the parking lot and head home. "You're a good cook! Those Italian genetics make everything taste good."

Lia laughs, switching on the radio. "My genetics? I studied culinary arts for a year!"

Madison can only shrug her shoulders innocently, a smile still on her face.


"Honey we're home!" Maddy yells into the apartment while kicking off her shoes, Lia only steps behind her, twisting the stubborn key from the door.

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