-Chapter 21-

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*warning: mature scenes ahead, please read at your own risk

3rd person pov

    The light of the sun shines through the blinds, slightly lighting up the room where Wonwoo and Mingyu were sleeping. The couple was sleeping peacefully until the ringing of a phone filled up the space. Mingyu jolted up from his sleep to check his phone, seeing that his mom called him. He rubbed his face while answering the phone with a tired voice.

“Hi mom….”

“Mingyu dear, did you just wake up? I’m sorry if I called in so early.”

“It’s okay mom, I would still talk to you even if it's midnight. You’re my beautiful mom after all.”

“Aigoo, such sweet words from my son, I’m blushing. Anyways, did you ask Wonwoo if he’s coming over?”

“I haven’t asked him yet, I’ll ask him later.”

“Alright dear. Make sure that he’s coming, I really want to meet him! Even your dad couldn’t wait.”

“Okay mom I will.”

“Alright, then I’ll get going first. Take care alright? The both of you.”

“Yes ma’am. Bye mom, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

    Mingyu hung up the call and sighed while looking at a sleeping Wonwoo. Mingyu laid back onto the bed and cuddled Wonwoo from his back while burying his face into Wonwoo’s neck. Mingyu inhaled the sweet and calming scent coming from Wonwoo. ‘Smells like a baby…’ Mingyu thought while constantly smiling, he wasn’t aware that while he was busy nudging Wonwoo was already awake.

   “Did you have fun?” Wonwoo asked softly, making Mingyu widen his eyes but he continued doing his business. “Mhmm, I did.” Wonwoo turned over and he was now facing Mingyu who was smiling. Mingyu slowly opened his eyes and he caressed Wonwoo’s face. “Why do you look so beautiful?” Mingyu said, making the older chuckle and blush. Wonwoo leaned closer to Mingyu and pecked the tip of Mingyu’s nose then a peck on his lips as well. “Wonwoo hyung, there’s something I want to ask you.” “What is it?” Wonwoo raised his eyebrows slightly and Mingyu sighed.

   “I was wondering if you would like to meet my parents later, if you don’t mind that is.” Wonwoo was surprised, he didn’t know if he was ready to meet Mingyu’s family. He always wanted to meet his family but it was so sudden for him, he was nervous. “I don’t mind meeting them, it’s just that…. What if they don’t like me?” “Wonwoo ah don’t say that! I’m sure my parents will love you! They even told me that they can’t wait to see you. So, don’t say that, okay?” Mingyu cupped Wonwoo’s cheeks and Wonwoo nodded with a pout. Mingyu kissed Wonwoo and they both smiled. “Let’s go shower.” Mingyu got up and pulled Wonwoo up to the bathroom.

    After they were done with their morning shower, both of them gathered their stuff and went out of the room, only to see Seungcheol and Jeonghan clearing up the place. “Oh, good morning love birds! I’m thinking you two had a pleasant night last night.” Seungcheol teased them while Jeonghan looked at them with a lenny face. “Yeah, we did and good morning hyungs.” Mingyu walked in front of Wonwoo since Wonwoo didn’t want his hyungs to see that he was slightly limping because of his sore back.

   “Hyung, let me help out!” Mingyu blurted out while Wonwoo went to take a seat on the couch. Wonwoo was playing with the hem of his shirt when he heard Mingyu speak. “Hyung, Wonwoo hyung and I are going to leave first after this.” This made Seungcheol and Jeonghan nod. “You guys can leave first if you want, we can finish clearing the rest.” Jeonghan said making Mingyu pout. “Are you sure hyung?” “We’re very sure Mingyu.” Seungcheol said while letting out a small yet gentle smile. “Then we’ll get going first hyungs!” Wonwoo got up from his seat and went to Mingyu. “Bye Seungcheol and Jeonghan hyung!”

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