-Chapter 12-

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3rd person pov

    Spring is almost over and so does the semester. It was a study week where Wonwoo and Mingyu had to prepare for their finals. Since it was a study week, Wonwoo didn’t have to work. Although he felt guilty and wanted to help out at the pet store, Haneul insisted that he focus on his studies instead. Which then brings to the present time, where Wonwoo and Mingyu are both staring at their laptops in the living room of Wonwoo’s house. It was a Friday and both the boys had promised each other that they help each other out (but mostly Mingyu wanted Wonwoo to tutor him since Wonwoo had went through some subjects that Mingyu is studying now, and also where Mingyu wanted to find excuses to get closer to Wonwoo).

   They were both alone at home as Soonyoung went to the campus library to study since he didn’t want to interrupt their “date” together plus Soonyoung would feel uncomfortable because he knew that he would be third-wheeling them. (I’m so sorry Hoshi that I’m doing this to you, author-nim didn’t want you to be a third-wheel, I didn’t mean to, I’ll make it up to you TT) 

    The clock on the wall shows the time 5:35 p.m. Both Wonwoo and Mingyu didn’t realise how fast the time went by as they were only focused on their laptop. They could feel their eyes getting swollen but they still continued studying, they wanted to pass. Wonwoo was focused on his laptop while Mingyu scratched his eyes then stretched his arms. “Hyung, can we take a break? I can’t feel my eyes and brain anymore.” Mingyu groaned while shifting his gaze to Mingyu. “Sure, I wanted a break too” Wonwoo let out a yawn.

   Mingyu then poked the elder’s arm “Wonwoo hyung let’s do something to freshen ourselves up!” Wonwoo gave him a questioning look “Do what?” Mingyu then smirked and took a pillow from the couch, hitting Wonwoo’s shoulder. “Catch me if you can hyung!” Mingyu quickly got up and ran away, while Wonwoo who was still confused at what just happened quickly realised it and took the nearest pillow he could get a hold on. “Yah Kim Mingyu!” He threw a pillow at Mingyu’s direction but Mingyu managed to dodge it, he giggled and sticks his tongue out. “You’re bad at this hyung!”

    The once quiet and peaceful room was now filled with screams and giggles. This went on for a couple of minutes until Wonwoo thought of the idea to have a fist fight with Mingyu. Wonwoo hugged the taller’s waist and Mingyu immediately knew where this was going. “You’re on hyung.” While Wonwoo was busy hugging Mingyu’s waist, Mingyu sneaked his hands to Wonwoo’s waist and tickled him. “M-Mingyu stop i-it! It t-tickles!” Wonwoo couldn’t hold his laughter in and Mingyu giggled. “I won’t stop!”

   Mingyu kept tickling the older and without even knowing, Wonwoo accidentally tripped. Thanks to Mingyu’s fast reflexes, he managed to catch Wonwoo by his waist and shielded him from having impact with the ground. Mingyu landed on the ground with a thud and Wonwoo lay on top of his chest, his eyes closed. “Ow.” Mingyu groaned and Wonwoo immediately opened his eyes to see if Mingyu was alright. “Mingyu are you okay?” Wonwoo held both the younger’s shoulders while looking around the younger to see if he was injured. “Hyung, my back really hurts.” Mingyu rubbed his back while pouting. “Are you sure? If it does, we have to take you to the clinic now!” Wonwoo was worried and panicking, he was about to get up but he heard laughs coming from Mingyu. “Hahaha Hyung I’m just joking.” Mingyu kept on laughing while Wonwoo hit his chest. “Yah! Don’t scare me like that Kim Mingyu!” He was mad but then he laughed as well.

    Both of them kept laughing and giggling and then stopped when their eyes met. Mingyu’s pair of dark chocolate brown eyes were staring at Wonwoo’s dark and dull black eyes. They kept staring at each other and without realising that their faces are getting closer as every second goes by. Mingyu couldn’t help but fall in love all over again when he saw Wonwoo’s mysterious and foxy looking eyes, although his eyes were dull looking but he could see various colours in them, he could see galaxies.

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