
As though she sensed the unrest in the air, Haneul let out a strangled cry in her car seat as she reached for her parents. The little one was scared and wished her parents would give her a hug. But alas, Seri and Jeong Hyeok were both focused on the deer ahead.

Eyes wide, Seri reached over to grip her husband's coat fearfully, her slender hand permanently donning the flash of gold from their first couple ring that glinted in his peripheral vision.

The car's tires screeched angrily as Ri Jeong Hyeok attempted to swerve and Seri let out a frightful scream, shouting for Haneul and Jeong Hyeok.

It was dizzying and choking to watch as they successfully manoeuvred their way past the deer.

But the danger was far from over.

The car had lost control and the brakes were not on their side. That nerve-biting fear was apparent as Ri Jeong Hyeok slammed down desperately on the brake that wasn't doing its job to stop the nightmare unfolding in front of his eyes.

Just seconds away was an oak tree that would no doubt lead to a horrific death if they crashed right into it at such a speed. The soldier within him recognised that. If one didn't get crushed to death by the sturdy bark, they would fly to their deaths once the car flew from the impact.

He had to stop this.

He had to save his wife and their child.

They were only five seconds away from the tree now and Haneul was still reaching desperately for her parents. A beautiful child fated to die too young for the greater good of the world.

Next to him, Seri's terrified shout of his name had Ri Jeong Hyeok turning to grasp her hand and shield her right as the car crashed heavily into the tree.


Through the disconcerting ringing in his ears, Ri Jeong Hyeok vaguely noticed the blood on Seri's forehead.

"Seri..." He whispered, trying to wake his unconscious wife.

His own hands were bloodied and littered with cuts. He could feel a throbbing on his back and his head, partly from the impact of the crash and partly from the glass shreds embedded deep into his skin – a result of his last act of protection towards his wife and child.

"Haneul..." The man whispered.

He couldn't even lift his head anymore. He didn't know if their baby was alright. He couldn't hear her anymore...

He couldn't fight the darkness anymore too...

***It's safe***

Summary: In an attempt to swerve away from a deer, the Ri family crashed right into a tree because the brakes weren't working. 

"I'm sorry."

Those were Ri Jeong Hyeok's last words before he caved to the darkness.

"You have to live..."


Back to the present

If only they could remember what happened in their past lives. Perhaps then, Ri Jeong Hyeok could stop regretting a past that he couldn't remember. Perhaps then, Yoon Seri could stop feeling so grievously hurt over a past that she had long forgotten.

Perhaps then, they would be able to recognise that love never dies.

They were still here, together albeit in different forms. And if they looked close enough, Haneul was with them too.

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