Chapter 7

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3rd person POV

Floating in an empty void is the form of (Y/N).

Currently "sitting" cross legged floating upside down.

"Well... now what?" He asks

"Now we return, really did he think we were weak enough to die in here?" Emily says through the mental link.

(Y/N) uncrosses his legs and turns upright.

He starts to open a portal home till the thunderous sound of wings fills the air.

Looking behind him, the form of great red comes into view.


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"Hot Damn!" (Y/N) shouts

The dragon slowing it's pace till it stops, its head just feet away from (Y/N)

The named man stares into the beasts large yellow eye.

Both seem to be studying each other.

Suddenly (Y/N)'s face is taken over by Emily's mask.

"Hey there girl! Long time no see!" She exclaims confusing the boy.

"OMG I thought that was you! What are you doing here girl? And why are you trapped in this boy?" Great Red replies

"That old fart God locked me in this mask and I asked this man to be my vessel. As for why we're here, two girls were about to be sent here by an unknown force till (Y/N) pushed them out of the way and took their place." She says, now taking physical form.

"Come here and give me a hug girlfriend!" Emily says opening her arms for a hug.

"Alright, give me a sec." she says and erupts in red light.

The light dies down and reveals a beautiful tan skinned woman with dragon wings.


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The girls hug and chat like old friends.

"Any idea what just happened Ddraig?" (Y/N) asks his other tag along.

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