S3, EP 10: Huh? Say That Again?

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Shoto ran to where he heard the click. He didn't expect that, but this felt like a one-time opportunity. Behind the steel tower, he caught someone in a black hood running away. He yelled for them to stop but (surprise, surprise) they didn't.

He froze the ground and they tripped, the camera fell out of their hands as they prepared to escape. But Y/n came from nowhere and blocked them. Not that they were that cornered.

She heard the person whimper, Shoto shot ice at them to completely immobilize them. Y/n picked up the camera. Looked professional, regular black, and has amazing lenses.

Soon they started melting into liquid as Shoto got closer. From behind they tried to hit him but he grabbed their arm (just in time) and threw him over his shoulder.

"Reveal yourself! You're not from any of the schools here, are you?!" They didn't have any targets on.

Y/n walked over and took their hood off. No, they weren't unconscious. It was a girl with a very plain expression looking up at the sky. She had long brown hair and very dark and dead eyes. But the most noticeable thing was a scar that had a striking resemblance to Shoto's and Y/n's, it was around her eye like Shoto's.

She looked almost dead. Y/n quirked an eyebrow at Shoto. Until finally Y/n reached her hand out but the girl grabbed her wrist and squeezed.

"Don't touch me, you virus." Y/n's eyes went wide, her wrist began to hurt. She felt as though her veins would burst. She winced in pain. Shoto prepared to fight, then the girl let go.

"Are you the one always following me?" Shoto spoke, the girl stood up and dusted herself off. Her eyes seemed to light up at the sight of Shoto. She smiled at him. "Of course, it's my job. I don't want to do this you know." He raised an eyebrow. Y/n started flipping through her camera without her noticing.

"Your job? To follow me around?"

"Yes, I get paid to take pictures of you and send them to you. My quirk allows me to blend in, but it seems I underestimated you this time." He was creeped out, to say the least. The girl's eyes went wide, she whirled around and snatched the camera from Y/n.

"Don't do that! There are things in here you don't need to see!!"

"What's your name? Who is paying you?" Shoto asked. The girl turned back around as she played with the camera.

"I cannot tell you my name, however, I can tell you who paid me. Of course...that comes with a price."








You made your way down the hall with Shoto by your side. Thanks to him, you were able to pass. You don't know why he helped you, but now you felt like you owed him. The girl gave you her camera, you weren't sure why. She looked so dead inside, it almost felt like a goodbye gift.

'I can't believe I never noticed someone following Shoto around.' You thought as you flipped through the pictures. Eventually coming to one where Shoto had his shirt off. You quickly clicked away.

"So many..." You mumbled. You didn't notice the glares Shoto got from certain people.

"Are you mad?" He blurted out, you finally looked up. "Huh?"

"At him? I mean, he practically paid someone to stalk me...but it doesn't make sense."

"Hm, l-look at th-this." You held up the camera. He scanned over a photo of the girl and Bakugo. The difference was the girl looked much more happier, they both held up the peace sign but Bakugo still scowled.

"Do you think..."

"Nah, p-probably not." You continued looking through the camera.

It kept you entertained for the most part. 'I'm gonna beat Kacchans ass.'








Izuku cried as he held his license in his hands, you couldn't help but feel the same way. Although, Bakugo and Shoto failed the second phase.

Izuku embraced you in a really tight hug and cried into your chest. You pay his back and smiled. 'This may not make me an official hero but I still get to save people!!'

Not only that, but you felt as though you could sleep peacefully tonight. But you couldn't help but feel Bakugos rage, it seemed about something else and not that he failed. Maybe both. You didn't understand. He looked so impatient like he was waiting for something.

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