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I was never really scared of a lot of things. But when it came to scarecrows, I could not be around them. And that's exactly what was standing right in front of me. It started to slowly come closer to me and suddenly it's face fell apart, revealing swarms of bugs. That was another one of my biggest fears. I started to cry and scream and I dropped to the ground right on top of all of the broken glass. I felt my knee and arms start to bleed and I held my head and closed my eyes and started to shake back and forth. "Sofi- oh my- SOFIA! What the hell happened!" I heard a voice say, but I didn't open my eyes or stop shaking. "Hey.. hey Sofia.. it's okay you're okay.." the voice said again, this time much softer and sweeter. I felt two arms lift me up and I opened my eyes. My dad was standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face. I honestly thought it was Patrick but I guess he was still upstairs. I started to feel like I was having a panic attack and I broke free from my dad's arms and sprinted out the door. I heard my dad yelling behind me but I just kept going. I could feel blood dripping down my legs and arms but I couldn't feel any pain. "Sofia!" A voice kept yelling over and over, and it kept getting louder until it felt like it was right in my ear. Then I felt someone grab me and wrap me into a hug. I could tell it was Patrick because he had to lean down into me from how tall he was. He smelled like fresh laundry. It was nice. I cried into his shoulder and he said, "come on cupcake. Let me get you home. Your dad is worried about you."
"Patrick, it was Patrick right? I just want to thank for for bringing Sofia home. Would you like to stay for dinner?" My dad asked after I got all of the glass from my body and cleaned up the blood. At the time I was standing on the stairs on my way to the living room and I heard him say it. I stopped to listen in on the conversation, I didn't know that Patrick was still at my house at the time. "Uh yeah sure I'll stay. As long as you guys don't mind having me." Patrick said politely. I had never heard him talk like that before. I continued down the stairs and walked into the living room. "Hey Sofie, how are you feeling?" My dad asked quickly standing up. "There's still a chunk of glass sticking out of my leg. Other than that I'm fine." I looked over at Patrick who was looking shocked at the massive shard, and then back at my dad who looked even more shocked. "Oh goodness! Let me go get something for that!" My dad said and quickly rushed to the kitchen. He came back with a bandage wrap and quickly pulled the glass out. Then he wiped the blood up with a wet wash cloth and wrapped my leg up. "There! Good as new kiddo!" He said and kissed my head. "Also I hope you don't mind but I asked your friend Patrick to stay for dinner." He added giving Patrick a smile. "Yeah I heard that. What are we having?" I asked and gave my dad a fake smile. I didn't want him to worry anymore.

"Alright we'll you two kids have fun! And Patrick, please have her home at a decent hour!" My dad called from our front door and winked at us. "Dad were just going for a walk!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, I won't keep her out too late sir." Patrick said and we started off down the sidewalk. Once we were far enough away from my house Patrick stopped me. "Why are we stopping?" I asked crossing my arms and looking around. He leaned up against a fence and looked off into the distance all dramatic. "What happened Sofia?" He asked giving me a sympathetic look. "You mean with the glass and stuff?" I asked brushing my hair behind my ear. He nodded. "I saw something again. Like a hallucination and it really freaked me out. It all felt so real.." I said before taking a spot next to him on the fence. He looked over at me and grinned really big. "Well now you've got me to protect you babe."
I started to feel anger building up inside of me. I wasn't necessarily angry at him more so at everything that had been happening. I just couldn't take it anymore so I released it. "You're not my fucking boyfriend Patrick! You make me so fucking miserable you know that? You treat me so shitty and you pick on me and you just have no respect! I mean what the hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you just back off sometimes and let me be lonely?! Just let me live my shitty little life on my own!! You don't fucking own me!" I screamed and felt hot tears start to run down my cheeks. Patrick's expression changed from smug to blank like the flip of a switch. I immediately started to feel bad and started to tell him that I was sorry when he put a finger to his lips to hush me. "You don't need to apologize. But I'm not going to leave you." He said and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. He hardly even reacted to my outburst at all..

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